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Using Exploratory Factor Analysis to Construct the Judging Criteria for Cheerleading Competition
作者 黃旭男 (Shiuh-Nan Hwang)孫美蓮丁翠苓吳文祥
In recent years, cheerleading events have brought a new favor to the campus,with demonstrations including dance, cheers partner stunts, tumbling, and jumps,showcasing the energy, enthusiasm, and team spirit of a cheerleading team. However,results from competition often have a huge influence on a team’s moral. Thus, how toestablish a fair and affect judging criteria for cheerleading competition is an issueworthy of discussion. The purpose of this study was to construct the judging criteria forcheerleading competition by the method of exploratory factor analysis. This study useTaiwan’s college cheerleading judging criteria as basic framework and consults otherdomestic and foreign judging criteria to create a questionnaire for establishing newjudging criteria for cheerleading competition. In this study, referees at the TaiwanCollegiate Cheerleading Tournament were asked to review the videotapes from thecompetition and grade the competition based on the new set of criteria. Moreover, thejudging multi-criteria for cheerleading competition were constructed by exploratoryfactory analysis. In conclusion, using exploratory factor analysis, the results revealedthat the judges based their scoring on five criteria: team spirit, difficulty and originalityof moves, dance choreography, familiarity and stableness of moves, and props usedduring competition. It was expected that the findings of this study can provide usefulinformation for judges of cheerleading competition.
起訖頁 73-87
關鍵詞 啦啦隊評審指標探索性因素分析cheerleadingjudging criteriaexploratory factor analysis
刊名 健康管理學刊  
期數 200606 (4:1期)
出版單位 臺灣健康管理學會
該期刊-上一篇 資訊素養融入科技大學專業課程上之應用~以「餐廚的管理與成本」課程為模式之探討
該期刊-下一篇 東南亞跨國婚姻婦女孕期身心壓力調查




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