英文摘要 |
Since Luo(1992) proposed using census data to investigate the developmentstratification of Taiwan townships, using census data or related auxiliary data toinvestigate the development stratification of Taiwan townships has been regarded withincreasing importance, recently. This paper used the 2000 Taiwan census data and dataof Survey of Health Maintenance Organizations’ current status and Health ServiceUtilization (conducted by Department of Health, Executive Yuan, R.O.C.) to investigatethe development stratification of Taiwan townships. The variables we chose in thispaper included: population density (people/km2)、population ratio of people withcollege or above educational levels 、 population ratio of elder people over 65 yearsold 、population ratio of people of agriculture workers and the number of physiciansper 100,000 people. We used the Cluster Analysis, with squared Euclidean distance andWald’s minimum variance method, to study the urbanization stratification and theresults showed 7 clusters were identified. The results have been adopted as the referenceframe of the multi-stage, PPS (Probability Proportional to Size) sampling design of the2005 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) in Taiwan. |