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A Study of Demographic Traits, Job Stress, Job Satisfaction, and Turnover Intention Among Nurses Working in Different Types of Hospital – The Case of Six Local Community Hospitals and Four Metropolitan Hospitals
作者 張翠芬陳重光陳敏加
Purposes: The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of demographic characteristics, job satisfaction, and job stress on nursing staff’s turnover intention, to compare the difference of turnover intention between new and senior nursing staffs, and to compare the difference of turnover intention between nurses working among different types hospitals. The suggestions of this study may be used as a reference for improvement the insufficiency of nursing staffs. Methods: This study was conducted by a survey design with the 84 new nursing staff and 109 senior nursing staff who worked in 6 local community hospitals and 4 metropolitan hospitals of Chung-Hua, Nan-Tou, Yun-Lin, and Chia-Yi counties. The questionnaire used in this study covering: demographic scale, job satisfaction scale, job stresses scale, and turnover intention scale. Results: Major findings were as follows: 1. the most intense stressor perceived by OR nurses was patient safety; 2. work rewards and administrative management were the lowest scoring job satisfaction subscales; 3. stress level and frequency perception of nursing staff were significantly related to type of hospital; 4. turnover intention was positively related to the intenseness and frequency of stressor perceived; 5. turnover intention was inversely related to job satisfaction. Conclusions: Major suggestions include: 1. hospitals should design the rules of jobs rotation for senior nursing staffs; 2. hospitals should provide adequate training and resources of stress coping for new nursing staffs; 3. hospital should improve human-based and rationalization for the management system of senior nursing staffs; 4. hospitals should provide more excite attractions to encourage the new nursing staffs whose education background are senior vocational high school or junior college to pursue further education; 5. In scheduling, hospitals should satisfy nursing staff’s need as much as possible; 6. hospitals should offer related resource to assist nursing staff to coping with patient safety job stress.
起訖頁 28-38
關鍵詞 護理人員工作壓力工作滿意度離職傾向NursesJob stressJob satisfactionTurnover intention
刊名 澄清醫護管理雜誌  
期數 201604 (12:2期)
出版單位 財團法人澄清基金會
該期刊-上一篇 乳房早熟女童的預後
該期刊-下一篇 中部某區域教學醫院職場霸凌之研究




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