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澄清醫護管理雜誌 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Cognitive Decline in Schizophrenia
作者 陳民虹 (Ming-Hung Chen)闕清模高慧如
Purposes: An increasing amount of research has been conducted on schizophrenia and associated cognitive functions since the high correlation between cognitive impairment and functional outcome in schizophrenia patients has been confirmed. This article reviews the cognitive change in the schizophrenia, the difference between schizophrenia with cognitive impairment and a typical dementia--Alzheimer’s disease (AD)--in the elderly, and suggestions for drug treatment for elderly schizophrenic patient with cognitive decline. Methods: A search of PubMed databases using relevant keywords was conducted. Results: Individuals with first-episode schizophrenia show cognitive impairment. Cognitive function is not progressive in the initial course and even improves after treatment in some patients. Reports of late-life schizophrenia, that is, in patients aged 50 years and above, showed varied results. Most of these patients with cognition decline began at approximately 65 years of age. Long-term institutionalized and late-onset schizophrenic patients have early onset and higher rate of cognitive decline. The neuropathologic diagnosis of AD was similar in elderly schizophrenic patients and in the elderly without psychiatric disorders. Postmortem neuropathologic studies have revealed different findings regarding elderly schizophrenic patients with cognitive impairment and AD patients. Elderly schizophrenia with cognitive impairment and AD are different diseases. There has been no standard treatment for cognitive decline in schizophrenia patients until now. Typically, decreased dosage of anti-psychosis drugs and the use of less anti-cholinergic drugs are recommended as treatment options for elderly schizophrenic patients. Conclusions: Comprehensive studies using cognitive assessment tools specific to schizophrenia should be useful to precise diagnosis and treatment development.
起訖頁 34-41
關鍵詞 阿茲海默氏病認知失智精神分裂症Alzheimer’s diseasecognitiondementiaschizophrenia
刊名 澄清醫護管理雜誌  
期數 201307 (9:3期)
出版單位 財團法人澄清基金會
該期刊-上一篇 護理人員健康促進生活型態與代謝症候群相關性探討──以南部某區域醫院為例
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