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理查.史特勞斯的「鋼琴藝術歌曲樂 團化」—創作、演出與出版
Richard Strauss's Klavier- Orchestrierung: Composition, Performance and Publication
作者 蔡永凱
理查.史特勞斯(Richard Strauss, 1864-1949),在樂團歌曲的發展上是最具有代表性的人物之一。按照作品生成的步驟,他的樂團歌曲又可分為「鋼琴藝術歌曲樂團化」與「原創樂團歌曲」兩類,並以前者為大宗。作曲家將自身的藝術歌曲由鋼琴版本改編為樂團版本,所反映出的不只是單一「樂類」之發展與變異,它其實突顯出在十九世紀末至廿世紀初之音樂產業中,如何將「藝術歌曲」視為一商品來操作。本研究藉由相關史料的爬梳,說明史特勞斯當時將自身鋼琴藝術歌曲樂團化的動機,同時,亦將整理作品演出乃至於出版的情形,以「創作—演出—出版」的互動關係,說明這一類作品特殊的文本性。
Richard Strauss (1864-1949) is a representative figure of the genre Orchesterlieder. Judging from his creative process, we can divide his work for this genre into two sub-categories: the original Orchestergesang and the Klavierlied- Orchestrierung. Strauss's orchestral arrangement of his own Lied embodies both the historic evolution and its derivation from this specific music genre; but more importantly it illuminates how Lied was viewed and even manipulated as a commercial product in the fin-de-siècle music industry. By re-examining primary sources, including Strauss's correspondence, documents pertaining to these works' performance history and their publication, the author investigates the motivation of Strauss's orchestration for his own piano Lieder, especially the commercial factors involved, and unfolds the textual interplay between composition — performance — publication of Klavierlied-Orchestrierung.
起訖頁 35-65
關鍵詞 理查.史特勞斯藝術歌曲樂團藝術歌曲鋼琴藝術歌曲樂團化音樂出版Richard StraussLiedOrchesterliedKlavierlied-Orchestrierungmusic publishing
刊名 音樂研究  
期數 201505 (22期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學音樂學院
該期刊-上一篇 莫札特「德語歌唱劇」《後宮誘逃》─ 藝術作品?!
該期刊-下一篇 音樂與色彩—梅湘與頻譜樂派的 色彩觀與音響思維




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