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The Relationship between the Physical Structure and Score for the Qin
作者 黃鴻文
Reforming jianzipu(減字譜) (simplified character notation) for the Qin has been an issue of contention that has lasted many centuries. During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, in an attempt to solve some of the problems regarding the inadequacy of a clear pitched melody, some Qin players added to their jianzipu durational marks or phrase markings as gongche notation (工尺譜), in addition to other diacritical marks for clarification. In modern years, scholars have opted for staff notation that included a more simplified notation for finger technique, and this has totally changed the approach to scores of traditional Qin music. Along with these proposals, few commentators have discussed the actual physical structure of the Qin, which is related essentially to its original notation. Newly-reformed scores cannot adequately provide the details required to utilize these traditional techniques, and thus performers achieve little success despite much effort. Therefore, in addition to the responsibilities for communicating these details clearly, scores should provide a more basic approach that incorporates these performance issues from the older tradition. In order to mend the problems of the insufficiency for melodic sings in jianzipu, positional information should also be provided, and staff or numbered notation should be considered a secondary resource.
起訖頁 1-23
關鍵詞 古琴減字譜五線記譜法一音多位位置資訊Qinjianzipustaff notationpositional information
刊名 音樂研究  
期數 201305 (18期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學音樂學院
該期刊-下一篇 聲樂伴奏之基本認知概論――以德文藝術歌曲為例




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