中文摘要 |
本文主要以選自法國現代作曲家若利維(André Jolivet, 1905-1974)的作品《五首儀式舞曲》(Cinq danses rituelles, 1939)為例,探討並分析其早期鋼琴作品寫作語法。在他的早期作品內,其寫作手法除有大部分為本人所獨創之外,同時亦時常自傳統調性音樂汲取素材,將其經由分解與重組等方式,衍生出多重新貌。另在動機的發展與擴張模式部份,其手法亦相當新穎。有鑑於此,筆者即選擇以《五首儀式舞曲》為研究主題進行探討,而研究所得歸納如下:一、自傳統調性音樂語彙汲取素材,多元運用於樂曲之中。二、不自外於現代音樂發展潮流,發展出極具特色之寫作手法。 |
英文摘要 |
This paper is intended to investigate some aspects of the compositional practice of André Jolivet (1905-1974), through the analysis of his early piano work – “Cinq danses rituelles, 1939.” Jolivet employed not only techniques he invented for his early works, but he also incorporated elements that evolved from conventional tonal practice. The novel attributes of his music were thus developed through “de-composing” and thereafter aggregating these two categories of compositional technique. In addition, he also applied some new principles in the formation of motives and their development into modal formations. Through this examination some general observations about Jolivet’s compositional practice are concluded. |