英文摘要 |
Trademark means any recognition of its distinctiveness, and the use of trademark, for the purposes of marketing, trademarks for goods, services or their related objects, or to use graphics, digital audio, electronic media or other media to make consumers aware of its trademark. According to the Taiwanese Trademark Act §68.1(1)(2), in the course of trade and without consent of the proprietor of a registered trademark, by using a trademark which is identical with the registered trademark in relation to goods or services which are identical with those for which it is registered; or using a trademark which is identical with the registered trademark and used in relation to goods or services similar to those for which the registered one is designated, and hence there exists a likelihood of confusion on relevant consumers, may constitute infringement of the right of such trademark. In addition, the Taiwanese Trademark Act §70.1(2) also clearly put that knowingly using words contained in another person's well-kn own registered trademark as the name of a company, business, group or domain or any other name that identifies a business entity, and hence there exists a likelihood of confusion on relevant consumers or a likelihood of dilution of the distinctiveness or reputation of the said well-known trademark, constitutes infringement of the right of such trademark.?So, using a foreign well-known enterprise's trademark as our own company's domain names; or, on the contrary, a Taiwanese wellknown enterprise's trademark is used as domain names by foreign businesses. Howw ould the Taiwanese and the US court rule the case? To this question, this paper thus introduces related court decisions respectively to account for their applicable laws. |