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Evaluation of Physical Work Demand among Bus Drivers and Hotel Employee
作者 蔡美文李雪楨賴皇伶陳秋蓉陳俊忠 (Chun-Chung Chen)
了解勞工的工作體能需求及體能狀況,是預防職業災害增加及維護勞工勞動力的基礎。本研究利用改良之「工作體能需求量表」,以了解勞工工作時的動作、重複性及負重。針對72 位男性公車駕駛及35 位飯店員工 (15 位男性、20位女性)進行工作體能需求的評估,量表之動作需求的定量方法,是以七個等級量化各種動作的特質(密集程度),及將動作的強度(重複及負重性)以極輕至極重五等級作為定量標準,再利用因素分析簡化量表之分級定量法的變項,以了解不同職務別勞工之工作體能需求的差異。結果顯示駕駛的工作姿勢主要是坐姿,需要重複許多上下肢及頸部轉動的動作,很少需要走路及攀登動作,負重一般都不會超過 5 公斤。房務清潔之飯店員工的體能需求,經常需要變換各種工作姿勢,包括: 臥姿、跪著及攀登的動作,並且較之其他職務,會有背負或肩挑重物的需要性,其次為手指軀體的重覆動作及推拉重物。廚房餐飲職務的工作姿勢以站立及走路居多,常有彎腰、轉身扭腰的動作,及手指抓取的上肢活動,並且會需要推、拉、舉持粗重或極重的物件。工程服務職務者除了常須站立及走路的動作外,在維修器具水電工程時,也常需遷就地物情形而變換各種工作姿勢,如: 臥姿、跪著及攀登的動作,而推動、拉物、彎腰及手指抓取的需求亦多,不過每項動作的重複性和負重性在中等範圍。辦公室業務的身體動作需求則是以坐姿為主,其他上下肢及軀體的重複性及負重性普遍為極輕或中等。綜合而言,本研究應用改良之「工作體能需求量表」來歸類並量化不同工作之體能需求特性,就公車駕駛與飯店員工的初步研究結果,有助於了解不同工作的體能需求差異,可提供後續勞工健康促進及職災問題之相關探究的參考。
Understanding physical work demand and work capacity of workers is the basis for preventing occupational injuries and maintaining the productivity of workers. This study used a modified “Physical Work Demand Inventory” to evaluate workers’ motions, repetitiveness and loading. Seventy-two male bus drivers and 35 hotel employee (15 males, 20 females) were included. Exploratory factor analysis was used to extract common factors of the physical work demand. Physical work demands differ significantly from the workers’ jobs. Bus drivers maintain mainly sitting posture at work, with high repetitions of gripping, reaching, touching, stepping, and neck rotation. Hotel employee were classified into four categories: room service, food service, concierge and maintenance, office (including clerks in personnel, finance and reception). Room service workers work in various postures (such as lying, kneeling and climbing), with repetitive throwing motions and heavy carrying. Food service workers experience frequent standing and walking, with forceful grasping, pushing, pulling, and raising repetitively. Concierge and maintenance personnel work in various postures, including standing, walking, lying, kneeling, climbing, trunk flexion, pushing, pulling, and grasping. Moderate exertion for these motions are required in terms of repetitiveness and loading. Compared with above workers, office clerks mainly assume sitting posture and require the least exertion.
起訖頁 409-423
關鍵詞 工作體能需求駕駛飯店員工Physical work demandBus driversHotel employee
刊名 勞工安全衛生研究季刊  
期數 200012 (8:4期)
出版單位 行政院勞動部勞動及職業安全衛生研究所
該期刊-上一篇 職業化學性因子暴露危害強度推估模式之建立
該期刊-下一篇 營造業勞工墜落事故相關因素之研究




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