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Application of Ergonomic Checklists in the Semiconductor Industry
作者 呂志維張清忠葉文裕林彥輝陳志勇
The semiconductor manufacturing industry is one of the important industrial sectors in Taiwan. The working population has increased drastically in the past ten years. Many investigations have indicated that semiconductor manufacturing workers have been exposed to more risk than others in musculoskeletal disorders and cumulative trauma disorders(CTD). Thus, it’s a must to focus on the ergonomic hazard prevention program to increase the productivity and improve health and safety of workers. In this study, three different kinds of checklists (BRIEF MSDs, and SEMI standards) were used to compare with the result of ergonomic hazard analysis conducted by investigators. Moreover, the results of checklist were compared with the results of questionnaires which had been conducted on 565 workers for musculoskeletal disorders survey. According to the ergonomic job analysis, the work repetitive motion of semiconductor manufacturing workers was not significant, but the risk factor in awkward postures and long working hours were serious. The results show that the checklist of BRIEF is an effective and rapid screening instrument to monitor the potential ergonomic risk of cumulative trauma disorders for upper arm. The BRIEF checklist is also an appropriate tool to evaluate CTDs symptom for workers. The checklist of MSDs is a more sensitive and useful tool in identifying the musculoskeletal disorder risk factors in semiconductor manufacturing plants. The SEMI checklist, developed from SEMI guideline, is a reliable tool to evaluate the plant layout and workstation design. However, it is not an appropriate tool for CTD inspection. SEMI, BRIEF, MSDs checklists, were originally developed for the population in USA or European countries, are not appropriate CTD inspection tools for the people in Taiwan because of differences in the anthropometric data of westerns are different from those in Taiwan. In the future, ergonomics professionals need to do more research to revise these checklists and develop domestic versions of SEMI, BRIEF or MSDs suitable for the workers in Taiwan.
起訖頁 1-20
關鍵詞 人因工程檢核表工作分析機台佈置評估檢核表Ergonomic checklistJob analysisLayout evaluation checklist
刊名 勞工安全衛生研究季刊  
期數 199912 (7:4期)
出版單位 行政院勞動部勞動及職業安全衛生研究所
該期刊-上一篇 臺灣南部洋蔥農作地區空氣中真菌暴露評估與真菌性角膜炎關連性之探討
該期刊-下一篇 生物力學法人工抬舉姿勢評估圖之製作




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