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Analysis and Preventive Strategy for Serious Electric Shock Accidents at Manufacturing Workplace
作者 蘇文源杜偉民
本研究針對國內七十八年至八十二年中,製造業所發生之86 件感電重大職業災害案件,依災害之發生時間、地點、事業單位概況、罹災者概況、災害媒介物、災害原因及違反勞工安全衛生設施規則之情形等進行統計及分析。在災害原因之探討上,另依感電重大職業災害發生之類型分為誤觸高壓電、誤觸低壓電、電氣設備漏電及電銲機作業感電等四類,並分別討論各類型感電之致災原因及其防止對策。研究發現製造業每年感電重大職業災害平均有17 件;行業則以金屬製品製造業最多,其次為紡織業、機械設備製造修配業及造紙、紙製品及印刷出版業。感電之媒介物以輸配電線路、電力設備、其他電力設備等電氣設備最多,其次為一般動力機械、熔接設備等。觸電方式以直接觸電較多,設備漏電其次,並且以低壓感電最多,計有77 件,佔總感電重大職業災害件數之89.5%。災害發生之原因大多是雇主未依電業法規設置電氣設備及線路,致造成作業場所之不安全設備或環境,而勞工之不安全動作:如在視線不清、照明不足的情形下操作電氣設備,或因操作時重心不穩因而誤觸帶電體,或是停電作業不確實、未依規定穿戴防護具,亦是間接導致災害之原因。
This study focuses on serious electric shock accidents analysis in the manufacturing industry which happened between 1989 and 1993. We have analyzed and compiled statistics of these cases in terms of time, place, casualty, the media and causes of accidents as well as violations against labor safety and health regulations. The surveillance showed that there were 17 serious electric shock accidents in average per year. Especially, metallic products industry, textile industry, mechanical apparatus manufacturing and fixing industry, paper products industry, have the most accidents. The major hazard media of accidents are electrical apparatus, general power machine and electrical arc welding machine. Direct contact with the live conductors is the most common type of accidents, whereas electrical leakage of apparatus is the second. On the other hand, the major cause is employees not following the procedure for the installation of electrical apparatus and circuits. Unsafe behavior is another major cause of accidents. Major causes of the studied cases are categorized as direct contact with high voltage parts, direct contact with low voltage parts, electrical leakage of electrical equipment and working with electrical arc welding machine. Preventive methods for electric shocks are also proposed.
起訖頁 1-15
關鍵詞 感電製造業漏電electric shock accidentsmanufacturing industryelectrical leakage
刊名 勞工安全衛生研究季刊  
期數 199903 (7:1期)
出版單位 行政院勞動部勞動及職業安全衛生研究所
該期刊-上一篇 石作作業勞工粉塵暴露危害調查
該期刊-下一篇 管溝開挖崩塌防止技術研究




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