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Utilizing Data From Health Examinations Sponsored by the Labor Insurance Bureau-- Lead Operations
作者 賴皇伶杜宗禮陳秋蓉
本研究利用八十三年度勞工保險預防職業病健康檢查鉛作業勞工之6,158份檢 查資料,由性別、年齡、業別、醫療機構代號,分析其特殊健康檢查結果(包括血球比容、血色素、紅血球數、血中鉛或鋅原紫質、尿蛋白及尿糖檢驗結果),發現鋅原紫質異常百分比為2.45%,血中鉛異常百分比為1.41%,其餘項目異常百分比皆小於1%。與衛生署之國人血中鉛值通報及監控系統資料比較,發現性別及各年齡別血中鉛平均值皆低於該系統八十三年之平均值,但是陶瓷器製造業,其他非鐵金屬基本工業、其他金屬製品製造業受檢者之血中鉛平均值則較該系統之平均值高。最後就預防職業病健康檢查紀錄格式及執行提出改善建議,以利未來資料之應用,達到預防職業病、保護勞工健康之目的。
Sponsored by the Labor Insurance Bureau, health examinations for occupational disease prevention were conducted among 6,185 workers in lead operations between July 1993 and June, 1994. 6,158 records of hemotocrit, hemoglobin and red blood cell counts, blood lead (and/or zinc protoporphyrin), urine protein, urine sugar, were available for analyses according to sex, age, industry classification, and medical facility at which the examinations were conducted. This study found that 2.45% of the 1,547 samples collected had zinc protoporpherin level exceeding 150μg/dL, while 1.41% of the 4,676samples had blood lead level exceeding 40μg/dL for males and 30μg/dL for females. Other items examined all had less than 1% of the samples outside reference normative ranges. Compared with the results from the reporting and surveillance system for blood lead levels of the Department of Health in 1994, average blood lead levels according to sex or age from this study were lower than those reported by the Department of Health, but were higher for those working at porcelain and pottery manufacturing, non-ferrous metals basic processing, and miscellaneous metal products manufacturing facilities. Recommendations on recording forms and measures for improving the current health examination process were discussed.
起訖頁 19-27
關鍵詞 勞工保險鉛作業特殊健康檢查Labor insuranceLead operationsHealth examination
刊名 勞工安全衛生研究季刊  
期數 199712 (5:4期)
出版單位 行政院勞動部勞動及職業安全衛生研究所
該期刊-上一篇 以氣膠吸入效率預測模式評估勞工總氣膠與可吸入性氣膠暴露之可行性研究
該期刊-下一篇 圓形開口凸緣氣罩控制風速的理論探討




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