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Design of Computer-Aided Fault Tree Drawing Software-- The Application of Object Oriented Technique
作者 李樹華包冬意
故障樹分析是一種演繹性的分析技術,可做風險的定性與定量分析;唯分析過程若無電腦輔助,很難做好有效率的分析工作。雖然,國外有這方面的現成軟體,但售價昂貴,設計內容不詳,且任何輕微的功能增添都須仰賴國外。因此,有必要親自開發一套獨立自主、智產權屬於自己的軟體。如此,才可能在最經濟的成本下,早日普及故障樹分析技術於國內工業界,而達到最高的安全效益。本研究開發的故障樹繪圖軟體FTDESIGN為風險分析所需之十二個軟體或資料庫之一,且為一以物件導向技術開發實作之應用系統。本系統係採用Martin/Odell方法的模型化工具,並輔以人機介面系統特性下該具有的規格,以利於設計者與使用者間需求的溝通。其發展過程可分為工作領域分析、介面設計與實作三個階段;系統的實作環境是微軟視窗環境下的Visual C++以及微軟基本類別庫(Microsoft Foundation Classes; MFC)。因為時間不足,未能如願地將已開發完成的另一故障樹分析電腦輔助軟體:故障樹最小切集產生軟體MCS融入於FTDESIGN內。希望後續研究能將此一整合工作列為重要工作項目。
Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) is a deductive technique which can be used to perform qualitative and quantitative risk analysis. It is extremely tedious to conduct a FTA study without a computer. Available computerized FTA codes are expensive and they are object codes which can not be modified for specific needs. Therefore, it is beneficial to develop a self-designed FTA codes to broaden the applications of FTA. This study completed a fault-tree-drawing software, FTDESIGN, which is one of the risk analysis tools that contain 12 computer codes or databases. FTDESIGN, an object oriented program (OOP), utilizes the Martin/Odell modeling methodology and meets the man-machine-interface (MMI) requirements so that communication between the designers and the users would be more convenient. Development of FTDESIGN consists of three stages: (1) task domain analysis, (2) MMI design and (3) implementation. The design was implemented by using Visual C++ as well as Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC) under the Microsoft windows environment. Due to time constraint, an attempt to incorporate a completed program MCS, minimum cut set generating code, into FTDESIGN was not successful. It is considered that this integration task is an important work in the future study.
起訖頁 91-102
關鍵詞 故障樹分析風險評估風險定性分析fault tree analysisrisk evaluationqualitative risk analysis
刊名 勞工安全衛生研究季刊  
期數 199706 (5:2期)
出版單位 行政院勞動部勞動及職業安全衛生研究所
該期刊-上一篇 異丙苯氣化反應器之安全分析




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