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勞工安全衛生研究季刊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

The Study of Exposure to Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons at Workplace
作者 郭錦堂陳以新
在高溫條件下,由於石化燃料之有機物質不完全燃燒及高溫裂解,極易產生具有致癌性及致突變性之多環芳香羥化合物(polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons,簡稱PAHs)。操作人員於此長期暴露下,易造成肺部之職業性疾病。為了能夠了解並追蹤作業員工實際暴露情形,需要建立一套簡易且快速的檢測分析方法,來監測長期性勞工暴露及作業環境污染,做為改善勞工作業環境品質之參考。故本研究利用高效率液相層析儀做自動濃縮分離,針對某一鋼鐵廠進行作業環境中PAHs濃度對勞工個人暴露之探討。結果顯示,煉焦爐A區(n=13)B[a]P空氣中最高濃度2237ng/m3和最低濃度7.58ng/m3之間差有295倍,其幾何平均值為78.69ng/m3,而煉焦爐B區(n=9)最高濃度3586ng/m3和最低濃度13.28ng/m3間差有270倍,其幾何平均值高達181.9ng/m3,但未超出美國OSHA建議之PEL值200ng/m3。另外,五個作業區之粉塵量,特別在高爐區最高(n=13)平均為10.72mg/m3,已超過我國作業環境中粉塵容許濃度10mg/m3的PEL值,所以應特別加以重視及防治。
Petrochemical fuel used at manufacturing facilities under high temperature usually produces many polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the air because of incomplete combustion. Some of these PAHs are mutagens or carcinogens. Workers exposured to these compounds for extended periods of time may suffer from occupational lung diseases. It is, therefore, necessary to develop a simple and rapid analytical method to monitor workers' long term exposure to these compounds. In this study, an automatic microanalysis concentration-column method with high performance liquid chromatography to investigate personal exposure is used to investigate personal exposure to PAHs in a steel mill. The highest and lowest concentrations of B[a]P in coke oven area A (n=13) were found to be 2237ng/m3 and 7.58 ng/m3, respectively. The high/low concentrations ratio was 295. The geometric mean of these concentrations was 78.69 ng/m3. The upper and lower concentrations of B[a]P in coke oven area B (n=9) were 3586 ng/m3 and 13.28 ng/m3. The ratio was 270 . The geometric mean was 181.89 ng/m3. These concentrations were not over the PEL limit (200ng/m3) recommended by OSHA, U.S.A. However, concentrations measured at five different working areas were quite high. The average concentration was 10.72mg/m3 (n=13) at high temperature oven area which exceeded the PEL limit (10 mg/m3) set by the Council of Labor Affairs. These problems should be looked into and resolved.
起訖頁 65-76
關鍵詞 多環芳香羥化合物作業環境高效率液相層析濃縮分離管polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbonsworkplacehigh performance liquid chromatographyconcentration-column
刊名 勞工安全衛生研究季刊  
期數 199612 (4:4期)
出版單位 行政院勞動部勞動及職業安全衛生研究所
該期刊-上一篇 生物氣膠之採樣遮蔽效應對計數效率之影響
該期刊-下一篇 吊鉤應力分析




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