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台灣原住民族研究學報 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

An Analysis of Indigenous Theses in Taiwan: The Conference of National IndigenousResearch, 2009-12
作者 王進發陳豪謝麟兮洪進雄
Throughout 2009 to 2012, each year the Center for Taiwanese Indigenous Peoples’ Education and Enterprise Development (CTIPEED thereafter) was commissioned by the Council of Indigenous Peoples, Executive Yuan, to hold the National Indigenous Dissertations and Theses Presentation. With abundant data collected in the CTIPEED, we felt obligated to analyze the data, and to give suggestions to the future research efforts in similar regards. As an initial research question, we simply wished to know who did what kinds of researches related Taiwanese Indigenous peoples in the past four years. As part of limitation of the current study, our data set seemed restricted to those who participated in our presentations, but we believed lessons could be learned and suggestions could be given after the analyses. In terms of methods, we analyzed the data with statistic and qualitative methods before we discussed and wrote the results and the discussion part.
As results, we found that the numbers and qualities of dissertations and theses related to Taiwanese Indigenous peoples increased, yet the room for improvement remained huge, especially on the structures of an intellectual paper and on the organizations of presenting ideas. We also found that the presentations of the methods and the methodology were not clear. Reliability and validity in quantitative studies, and other forms of quality measure for qualitative studies, were not fully discussed in most of the presentations. Finally in our study, suggestions for future researchers who wish to conduct research related to Taiwanese Indigenous peoples are given.
起訖頁 47-66
關鍵詞 原住民族博碩士論文台灣原住民族高等教育混和研究方法
刊名 台灣原住民族研究學報  
期數 201309 (3:3期)
出版單位 台灣原住民族研究學會
該期刊-上一篇 傳統Kuba的形貌、意義再論與「鄒族文化自然中心」的營運
該期刊-下一篇 還我土地觀點下的原住民族土地政策




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