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A Study and Analysis of the Indigenous Land System
作者 顏愛靜陳亭伊
The word “Land” for indigenous is the term where their ancestors’ way of life, trace of experiences, and inheritance of custom as well as culture spent on. Under the intervention of external political institution and force, the use of land by indigenous peoples has been gradually collapsed. The nearly one hundred years change process of Taiwan indigenous peoples’ land institutions can be retrieved from Japanese colonial period. The Taiwan General Government reformed the “quasi-settlement of forestry” into “High Land Indigenous reserved land.” Such institution maintains to Taiwan recovery and renamed as “mountainous reserved land” where the range approximately equal to Japanese colonial “High Land Indigenous reserved land.” But the area of “mountainous reserved land” is smaller than indigenous traditional territory where it is not enough for indigenous demand. Besides, there existed the conflict of land between indigenous peoples and Han-Chinese people from Japanese Colonial Period. After World War II, the KMT government had the controversy between “developing” and “protection” so that led to more problems. Nowadays, indigenous peoples’ basic rights are highly considered by global societies and indigenous peoples ask their rights to traditional territories, the government start to investigates traditional territories and gradually legislate acts and laws, so that admits the indigenous peoples’ rights accessing to land. However, due to the accumulative illness to land institution change, there still had some problems not solved whilst their rights were admitted. So, in this study, we are going to explore how land institution change and the key factors towards property rights and land use types, management system and regulations, and the land conflicts between Indigenous Peoples and Han people. Finally, we would like to make some suggestions to future indigenous land institution.
起訖頁 1-25
關鍵詞 原住民族土地土地制度土地權土地利用制度變遷
刊名 台灣原住民族研究學報  
期數 201206 (2:2期)
出版單位 台灣原住民族研究學會
該期刊-下一篇 原住民族社會福利體制的建構




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