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The Components and Formation Process of Chinese Authoritarian Orientation
作者 簡晉龍黃莉
An indigenous approach and the perspective of Chinese relationalism were used to investigate the formation process and components of Chinese authoritarian orientation (AO) and compare it with AO as conceptualized by Yang (1993, 2004). A qualitative study was conducted in which 18 participants (10 men and 8 women) were interviewed regarding their experiences interacting with authority figures (e.g., parents and teachers) since childhood. The narratives were analyzed based on the principle of hermeneutic circle. The results showed there are 4 stages in the formation of AO: pre-AO, instrumental, obligational, and habitual. After the pre-AO stage, authority-dread and authority-dependence appear in the instrumental stage. Authority-reverence and authority-obedience develop in the obligational stage. In the habitual stage, the psychological and behavioral modes learned during previous stages become habits reflecting authority-sensitivity. The components emerging from the latter stages do not substitute for the earlier ones, but instead supplement them, meaning that the formation of AO goes from simple to complex. Chinese AO as described in this study was compared with Yang’s AO and with authoritarian personality as defined in the Western literature. Future research directions are also discussed.
起訖頁 55-123
關鍵詞 本土心理學社會取向關係主義權威性人格權威取向authoritarian orientationauthoritarian personalityChinese relationalismindigenous psychologysocial orientation
刊名 本土心理學研究  
期數 201506 (43期)
出版單位 心理出版社
該期刊-上一篇 工作自主經驗與父母教養行為:雙元自主性促進因素的範疇優勢性檢證
該期刊-下一篇 領導者之差序對待幅度與部屬效能:平均德行領導的調節效果




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