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Rethinking Constitutional Rights in a Society of Immigration: A Discussion inspired by Charlie Hebdo Shooting
作者 范秀羽
2015 年1 月7 日法國查理週刊槍擊事件,引起多方關注,此事件於國內熟悉之憲法學自由權平等權區分架構下,屬於自由權衝突或是言論自由管制之問題,亦即查理週刊之言論自由(媒體自由)與穆斯林之宗教自由兩者間之衝突或是前者言論自由之管制問題。本文試圖將平等保障問題帶入憲法自由權利衝突之討論脈絡中,點出在關涉不同文化及精神自由之基本權利衝突時,應參酌憲法平等保障,將各權利主體之強弱勢置於所處之社會文化環境中進行討論。隨後本文藉由壓迫與歧視之多重交錯性觀點,重新以平等保障之角度理解法國查理週刊槍擊事件之爭議並檢視法國穆斯林之處境。最後,本文思考法律與國家公權力在此類事件之可能立場及角色為何。
Charlie Hebdo Shooting on the 7th of January 2015 has received massive attention throughout the world. Prevailing constitutional theories would see this incident as either conflicts between two fundamental rights: Charlie Hebdo’s freedom of speech (freedom of press) to publish satirical work against Islam and Muslim and Muslims’ freedom of religion, or simply restraints on freedom of the press. This Article seeks to bring into this discussion the concept of equal protection. To guarantee the safeguard of fundamental rights, it must be taken into account the vulnerable vis-a-vis advantaged position of each subject of rights in the particular socio-cultural context. Also, considering the plight of French Muslims, this Article re-examines Charlie Hebdo Shooting with the intersectionality of discrimination and oppression based on religion, race, immigration identity and social class. Finally this Article discusses the possible roles of the State and law in any situation similar to Charlie Hebdo.
起訖頁 151-183
關鍵詞 查理週刊基本權利衝突諷刺(仇恨)言論平等保障Charlie Hebdoconflicts of fundamental rightssatirical (hate) speechequal protection
刊名 東吳法律學報  
期數 201607 (28:1期)
出版單位 東吳大學法學院
該期刊-上一篇 言論自由還是詐欺?──國際信評機構不準確評等之研究




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