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Chen Tuan's Inner Alchemy and Symbolic-mathematics
作者 賴錫三
This paper contends with the commonplace view which asserts that the main point of Chen Tuans thinking is symbolic-mathematics. This view puts the emphasis on his figures featuring graphic display of cosmography. Although we do not deny the achievement of this a posteriori aspect, we prefer to emphasize his status as a master of inner alchemy. That is to say, Chen Tuans ultimate concern must be the turning towards and development of the a priori world (xiantian). This paper wants to compile all of his works and ideas, such as the a priori cycle and a priori change, and provides evidence of our proposition through interpretation. The intellectual frame that Chen developed to treat vital phenomena was not only a path of simple return to the superhuman paradise (a priori) from the a posteriori world. To express the final state of perfection, his framework also synthesized a transcendental system (Transcendental Great Ultimate Semiotics) with the Formal Semiotics of Heaven and Earth. This feature gave the philosophy of this master of inner alchemy great historical character and resiliency. To sum up, Chen Tuan's style is not only to become a dry ascetic; he also puts forth a great and ambitious program of coming back to the human life-world from that eternity. So he joins in harmony the symbolic mathematics with trans-symbolic-mathematics, a fact which is further proved by the important influence he exerted on early Sung philosophy of principle.
起訖頁 217-254
關鍵詞 陳摶內丹後天先天象數超象數Chen Tuanneidanhoutianxiantiansymbolic mathematicstrans-symbolic-mathematics
刊名 中國文哲研究集刊  
期數 200209 (21期)
出版單位 中央研究院中國文哲研究所
該期刊-上一篇 「《易傳》是道家《易》學」駁議
該期刊-下一篇 王畿與道教——陽明學者對道教內丹學的融攝




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