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A Study of the Quotations from the Classics of Ritual in Wei Chao’s Commentary on Kuo-yu
作者 樊善標
Li, commonly translated as “rites,” is the collective name of various social rules and regulations. Many quotations from books about ritual, mainly from the Three Classics of Ritual, are found in Wei Chao's Commentary on Kuo-yu. This paper, in analyzing these quotations, tries to answer the following questions: “What is the reason for Wei's use of Classics of Ritual to interpret Kuo-yu?” “How is Wei's interpretations of ritual related to those of Cheng Hsuan?” “What academic features can be found in Wei's interpretations of ritual?” As a predecessor, Cheng Hsuan's annotation of the Classics with reference to the Three Classics of Ritual had great influence on Wei Chao. As well, Wei believed the Kuo-yu to be of equal importance to the Classics, and his work often tried to bring out the relations between these two. This implied that the various texts were in agreement with each other in various aspects. Whenever incoherencies arose, Wei used numerous quotations from the Classics in explaining the text of Kuo-yu. However, close analysis of these quotations shows that Wei was thereby departing from the tradition of interpreting the Classics, and was approaching the common practice of historians of later times.
起訖頁 587-638
關鍵詞 《國語》《國語解》Kuo-yucommentary on Kuo-yuli (rites)
刊名 中國文哲研究集刊  
期數 200003 (16期)
出版單位 中央研究院中國文哲研究所
該期刊-上一篇 從《四庫全書總目》對明代經學的評價析論其評價內涵的意義




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