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The Signficance of Lo Ch'in-shum's Criticism of Ch'an at the Middle of the Ming Dynasty
作者 鄧克銘
Lo Ch'in-shun, who inherited from Chu Hsi his theory of human nature, was a prominent scholar at he middle of the Ming Dynasty, In his well-known bool, Knowledge Panifully Acquired, he criticized Ch'an and regarded the theories of Lu Hsiang-shan, Ch'en Pai-sha and Wang Yang-ming as Ch'an. In Lo's bool,'Ch'an' was usually used to indicate a way of thinking. As a result, Lo's criticism of Ch'an, in fact, included Lu, Ch'en adn Wang. To some extent, Lo's criricism on Ch'an's theory of mind reflected the differrnt ways of understanding mind in Confucianism at that time. Lo believed that the Ch'eng-Chu theory of human nature completely corresponded to the teachings of Confucius and Mencirus, and insisted that the sensible function of mind should not be considered as its substance. The reason Lo criticized Ch'an so sharpyly was that he hoped to ensure the purity of Confucianism, especially with respect to the theory of human nature. As a result, as indicated above, Lum Ch'en and Wang were not regarded as legitimate Confucians. In short, though the validity of Lo's criticism perhaps still remained questionable, yet at the time when Ch'en's and Wang's thought prevailed, his achievement showed the special significance of the Ch'eng-Chu theory. From the historical point of view, Lo's criticism of Ch'an also played an improtant role at the middle of the Ming Dynasty.
起訖頁 487-522
關鍵詞 羅欽順程朱心性禪學陸王Lo Ch'in-shunCh'eng-Chutheory of human natureCh'anLu Hsiang-shanWang Yang-ming
刊名 中國文哲研究集刊  
期數 200003 (16期)
出版單位 中央研究院中國文哲研究所
該期刊-上一篇 海德格的「共屬」(Zusammengehoren)與天臺宗的「即」——試論詭譎之說法
該期刊-下一篇 從《四庫全書總目》對明代經學的評價析論其評價內涵的意義




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