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Against Ch’uan-hsi-lu: A Critique of Feng K'e's Ch'iu-shih-pien
作者 林月惠
Wang Yang-ming's Ch'iu-shih-pien is a work which best shows the richness and uniqueness of his philosophical thought. For this reason, in the heritage passed on to Wang's students, Ch'uan-hsi-lu was a classic which received a lot of attention. Even the followers of Chu Hsi in the Ming period had to take it seriously. In the middle of the Ming, when Wang's influence was greatest, Feng K'e (1523-1601), of the Chu Hsi school, offered Ch'iu-shih-pien, written as a response to Ch'uan-hsi-lu. A historical retrospective or form analysis might indicate that Ch'iu-shih-pien seems to have been the first critical treatment of Ch'uan-hsi-lu. However, the aim of the present essay is to look at the work's content, in order to ask whether, when Feng K'e rebutted the major philosophical ideas of Yang-ming's Ch'uan-hsi-lu, he was able to maintain a fair dialogue, and was able to adduce stringent justification for his ideas. Therefore, besides explaining the basic ideas Feng K'e brought to the writing of Ch'iu-shih-pien, the present work pursues an examination of the following topics: (1) Who was right and wrong in the dispute between Chu Hsi and Lu Hsiang-shan; (2) Chu-tzu wan-nien ting-lun (The definitive views from Chu Hsi's later years); (3) The Heart/Mind (hsin) is Principle (li); (4) Conscience (liang-chih) as well as Knowledge and Action; (5) Examining Things (ke-wu), Extending Knowledge and Sincerity. First, we objectively analyze the various arguments and justifications Feng K'e adduced in the course of rebuttal of Ch'uan-hsi-lu. Then, using Yang-ming's philosophical thought as the major standard of judgement, we assess Feng K'e's arguments and justifications, pointing out: (1) The question of who was right and wrong in the dispute between Chu His and Lu Hsiang-shan is not the same question as the debate between Confucianism and Buddhism; (2) Chu-tzu wan-nien ting-lun (The definitive views from Chu Hsi's later years) does not involve the question of whether Chu Hsi came to regret his errors in his later years; (3)“The heart/mind (hsin) is one with principle (li)” is not the same as “The heart/mind is principle”; (4)Conscience and “The unity of knowledge and action” are different domains, each with their own particular significances; (5) Examining things, extending knowledge and sincerity are in fact all the same set of affairs. Through detailed philosophical analysis and assessment, the author discovers that Feng K'e's interpretation of Yang-ming's thought contains more error than it does understanding; there seems to be no interaction between the two men's views. For this reason, the author concludes that: Feng K'e's Ch'iu-shih-pien should not be considered as the first book to treat Ch'uan-hsi-lu critically; rather it is the first “Anti-Ch'uan-hsi-lu” work, a work to negate Ch'uan-hsi-lu. The author also hopes that on the basis of this philosophical analysis, Ch'iu-shih-pien can be seen as an exhibit demonstrating the opposition and jostling of the Chu and Wang schools of philosophy; from here, we hope to further consider the theoretical difficulties encountered by Chu's thought in the Ming Dynasty, and the potential crisis of Wang's school.
起訖頁 375-449
關鍵詞 《求是編》《傳習錄》王陽明馮柯朱子良知Ch'iu-shih-pienCh'uan-hsi-luWang Yang-mingFeng K'eChu Hsiconscience
刊名 中國文哲研究集刊  
期數 200003 (16期)
出版單位 中央研究院中國文哲研究所
該期刊-上一篇 王弼「性其情」的人性遠近論
該期刊-下一篇 中國歷史上哲學範疇「和」的形成




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