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On Chu Hsi’s Shih hsu pien-shuo
作者 楊晉龍
This essay examines the contents of Shih hsu pien-shuo by Chu Hsi (1130-1200). According to Chu Hsi, Mao kung (ca. 100 B.C.) had dismantled the book entitled Shih hsu and left each part in front of its corresponding text of Shih ching. Later scholars, in consequence, mistook Shih hsu as the interpretation given by the authors of Shih ching. Rather than Confucius or Tzu-hsia, Chu Hsi argued, it was Wei Hung, who had composed the existing Shih hsu by incorporating views and those of earlier scholars. Chu Hsi's Shih hsu pien-shuo has pointed out three major mistakes in Shih hsu. The first is being unaware that “ssu wu hsieh” implies “readers read Shih ching with innocence” and thus failing to see that a few poems in Shih ching were actually love poems from those who eloped. The second is being unaware that officials and the populace could not directly criticize the monarch and thus acting against Shih ching's teaching of “being soft and gentle” in speaking to the authorities. The third is over-exaggerating the influence of women in history. King Wen of Chou (ca. 1027-1025 B.C.), for example, received support from people from other areas, because the King had been able to exert influence with his virtues. This was not because the King's wife, being virtuous, had kept the harem in order; the moral cultivation of King Wen's wife resulted from, instead of contributing to, the King's influence. Chu Hsi's view of those love poems has made it possible for scholars to interpret Shih Ching in a freer spirit. In addition, instead of discarding Shih hsu, Chu Hsi treated the work as a reference. There is no ground of asserting that Chu understood Shih ching without any regard for Shih hsu.
起訖頁 295-353
關鍵詞 朱熹《詩序辨說》《詩序》Chu HsiShih hsu pien-shuoShih hsu
刊名 中國文哲研究集刊  
期數 199803 (12期)
出版單位 中央研究院中國文哲研究所
該期刊-上一篇 郝敬的詩經學
該期刊-下一篇 說「南」——再論《詩經》的分類




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