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On the Final Views of Wang Yang-ming
作者 劉述先
In Huang Tsung-hsi's The Records of Ming Scholars it was reported that after Wang Yang-ming's enlightenment there were still three changes. Such an account was never questioned by scholars since the publication of Huang's work. But I discovered that Wang's immediate disciple Chien Te-hung had a different account, and only this account offered a true picture of Wang's thought. Chien took chih-liang-chih (extension of innate knowledge of good) to be the final views of Wang. This was confirmed by the so-called Four-sentence-teachings as recorded in Wang's Instructions for Practical Living and his chronology. But after Wang died, another immediate disciple of Yang-ming, Wang Lung-hsi, gave a very different account of the Four-sentence-teachings. He declared that these teachings were only expedient in nature, and the final views would have to be what he called Four-Negatives-teachings. This opened up endless debates on the issue. Liu Tsung-chou rejected almost everything Lung-hsi said, but he also thought that the teaching of chih-liang-chih was only expedient in nature, and he proposed to replace it with his own teachings of sincerity of the will and keeping vigilant in solitude. Huang Tsung-hsi inherited his teacher's views and moved the teaching of chih-liang-chih to the second stage after Yang-ming's enlightenment and did not regard it as Yang-ming's final views. His account produced a distortion in the understanding of Yang-ming's thought. This article for the first time exposes the distortion and also discusses the implications for the transmission of the so-called tao-tung (orthodox tradition of the Way).
起訖頁 165-188
關鍵詞 王陽明錢德洪王龍溪劉宗周黃宗羲致良知四句教Wang Yang-mingWang Lung-hsiHuang Tsung-hsiFour-sentence-teachingsChien Te-hungLiu Tsung-chouChih-liang-chih
刊名 中國文哲研究集刊  
期數 199709 (11期)
出版單位 中央研究院中國文哲研究所
該期刊-上一篇 道家與道術
該期刊-下一篇 吉藏的淨土思想




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