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中國文哲研究集刊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

A Reappraisal of Wang Fu-chih’s Thought on Nationalism
作者 朱榮貴
學者經常主張王夫之(1619~1692)是偉大的民族主義者,可是卻往往不去界定「民族主義」(nationalism)的涵義,甚至有的學者把王夫之說成是一位提倡種族歧視、挑撥種族糾紛的人。本文想從王夫之的時代背景以及其儒家思想的整體架構,來探索王夫之之「民族主義」思想的原意。換言之,我想探討王夫之的民族思想是否是偏狹的「文化沙文主義」(即「大中國主義」)或是極端的「種族主義」。文章分成以下幾個主題:王夫之的民族觀,王夫之對夷狄以及同化夷狄的看法,他的發展論的歷史觀和正統論。最後我還提出黃宗羲之《留書》來和王夫之作比較。王夫之以為由於「地異」(地理環境不同),而導致「氣異」,「習異」,「種異」一連串的差別。對這個種族間的差異,王夫之一方面認為是文化上的差別,因此他做出「文明」與「野蠻」之價值判斷。另一方面他認為這是道德上的差別,因此他提出「夷夏大防」的原則。但是不論民族間的歧異是基於文化或道德的因素,王夫之主張我們應該尊重民族之差異性及特殊性,而不應該對其他弱小民族進行文化之侵略與同化。因此本文的主旨之一即想說明王夫之的民族思想主要是基於文化與道德的考慮,而不是種族意識的產物。本文的結論認為王夫之的民族思想中,「種族認同」(ethnic identity)的成分薄弱。而且他的民族思想是帶有相對性意味,超越種族的「文明論」。 在「氣論」的哲學基礎上,他主張民族間應該互相容忍,尊重各自文化之特質與獨立性。
Wang Fu-chih is often hailed as a “national hero” for his nationalist thought. But few scholars have defined what they meant by “nationalism. ” This paper is to discuss Wang Fu-chih's attitude toward the non-Chinese peoples and to discuss whether his view can be regarded as “cultural chauvinist” or even racist. The paper is divided into the following sections: Wang Fu-chih's view on races, his view on the “barbarians,” historiography, view on political sovereignty. My paper is to argue that Wang Fu-chih in fact espouses a very open and tolerant view on the non-Chinese peoples. He respects ethnic and cultural differences among the peoples and is against enculturation. He also thinks that the non-Chinese can obtain political legitimacy as long as they bring about peace and prosperity to the people. The goal of my paper is to reconsider how appropriate it is to make Wang Fu-chih into a nationalist thinker. My conclusion is that Wang's tolerant view on races and cultural diversity in fact represents the spirit of Confucian humane tradition.
起訖頁 521-548
刊名 中國文哲研究集刊  
期數 199403 (4期)
出版單位 中央研究院中國文哲研究所
該期刊-上一篇 從「生氣通天」到「與天地同流」——晚周秦漢兩種轉化身體的思想
該期刊-下一篇 論明清傳奇名作中「情境呈現」與「情節發展」之關聯性




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