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Reflections on the Research of the Ssu-k’u Studies
作者 楊晉龍
This paper aims to investigate the research fields and the attitudes of the scholars of the Ssu-k'u studies 四庫學, explore their merits and demerits, confirm their accomplishments, point out their mistakes, and finally offer some opinions for improvements, so that the research of the Ssu-k'u Studies can be thoroughgoing and the conclusion be more affirmative. The author maintains that the fields of the researchers of the Ssu-k'u Studies were generally centered around issues like, who facilitates the Ssu-k'us compilation, the belonging of its thoughts, the title, the block-printed editions, and the hand-copied editions of the General Catalogue (tzung-mu), the publication date, the motivation of compilation, the correction of its content, its association with the literary inquisition, its scholarly influence, and the evaluation of its value. In addition, some scholars also paid attention to issues about the collections of the Yung-1e Ta-tien 永樂大典. The most obvious problems of the scholars’ attitudes which need further discussion and consideration are their being prejudiced by preconception, readily believing the authorities, putting the blame on the predecessors, and erroneous tendency in the content. The author points out that the greatest contribution of the research of the Ssu-k'u Studies is “correcting mistakes and supplying deficiencies,” which is mainly accomplished by Ssu-k'u Ch'uan-shu Tzung-mu 四庫全書總目(The Outline for the General Catalogue of the Complete Works of the Ssu-k'u). However, an outside research, it is not enough to generalize the research of the Ssu-k'u Studies. A more active and effective way is to start from the angle of “cultural history,” that is, directly from the Ssu-k'u Ch'uan-shu 四庫全書 and the Ssu-k'u Ch'uan-shu Tzung-mu, so as to highlight the significance and the value of the Suu-k'u Studies.
起訖頁 349-394
刊名 中國文哲研究集刊  
期數 199403 (4期)
出版單位 中央研究院中國文哲研究所
該期刊-上一篇 何楷《詩經世本古義》析論
該期刊-下一篇 無聲之戀:沈從文的〈神巫之愛〉




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