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Chu Mu-ch’ie and his Shou Jing T'u
作者 林慶彰
This dissertation is divided into seven section. The first section is the foreword, and simply describes intellectual develpments in the study of the Classics from the Sung to the mid-Ming. The author notes that this period witnessed a rapid decline in Han studies (Han-sueh), but by the mid-Ming, scholars such as Wang Ao, Yang Shen, and Cheng Hsiao had already begun to emphasize the importance of Han-hsueh. The second section covers Chu's life and writings. Chu was a sixth generation descendant of the Chou-ting King Chu Suh. Chu once held the post of chou fan tsong cheng, and advocated research of the Classics. His own most famous work on the Classics is the Shou Jing T'u.The third section discusses the general form of Chu's text and his motivation in writing it. According to Chu's statements, he wrote the book in order to promote Han-hsueh. The work is divided into five parts, covering the Chou I, Shang Shu, Shi Jing, Ch'un-ch'iu,and the Li Jing. Each part contains four chapters, arranged topically as follows: a general outline, a chart detailing the origin and spread of teachings on the Classic under discussion, a biography of the scholars associated with these teachings, and a list of these scholars’ writings pertaining to each Classic. The fourth section discusses the selection of materials in Chu's book. Chu relied on Chang Ru-yu's Ch'un Shu K'ao Suo, revising and expanding Chang's charts detailing the origin and spread of teachings on the Classics mentioned above. Biographical materials were drawn from the biographies of the Shi Chi, the Han Shu, and the Later Han Shu. Chu's list of scholarly writings on the Classics generally relied on Cheng Ch'iao's Tong Chih Lue, supplemented by private collections and catalogs. The fifth section looks at the supplement to Chu's text written by Huang Yu-chi and Kong Hsiang-ling. Huang corrected what he believed were mistakes by Chu regarding other books, chapters, and authors. Huang also added biographical material on 255 ku-wen and chin-wen authors and 741 notes on the Classics. Finally, Huang rearranged biographical materials in the section on the Shang Shu. The sixth section discusses the significance and influence of the Shou Jing T'u. The book had a significant influence on the general form of Chu Yi-tsun's compilation, the Jing I K'ao. The author also notes that, after the Han Dynasty, scholarly compilations on Han teachers of the Classics all followed the conventions set in Chu's Shou Jing T'u. In the concluding section the author discusses the stimulating effect that the Shou Jing T'u had on Han-hsueh after the middle of the Ming Dynasty.
起訖頁 455-485
刊名 中國文哲研究集刊  
期數 199303 (3期)
出版單位 中央研究院中國文哲研究所
該期刊-上一篇 《道藏》所收早期道書的瘟疫觀——以《女青鬼律》及《洞淵神呪經》系為主
該期刊-下一篇 神統與聖統——鄭玄王肅「感生說」異解探義




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