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中國文哲研究集刊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Class Struggle and the Awakening of Female Consciousness: Ba Jin's Anarchist Utopianism in Turbulence, A Trilogy
作者 彭小妍
無政府主義在中國的興起、發展、到沒落,是一段有趣的歷史,也是目前近代史研究有待開發的領域。而作為一個現代文學研究者,值得我們關心的問題是,此思想潮流既然曾於清末民初在中國知識界掀起一股旋風式的熱潮,在五四一代文學作品中究竟留下多少痕跡?無政府主義所主張的反強權、反制度、婦女解放、自由戀愛,以及對自由、平等社會烏托邦式的憧憬,如何反映在文學作品當中?這種意識型態對五四文學的形式和內涵,是否曾經產生任何決定性的影響?這是一個相當複雜的問題,當然不可能在有限篇幅中,得到完滿的解答。本文擬就這個角度出發,以巴金的《激流三部曲》為例,嘗試探討這部作品如何反映出他的無政府主義信念,而此理念是否影響及他的小說中的人物塑造、情節安排、和其他有關小說形式(the novelistic form)的問題?《三部曲》所顯示出的形式和內涵上的特色,例如象徵性的角色、善與惡的對立、立場分明的敘事者、說教性的語言、被壓迫的民眾(尤其是女性)反抗意識的覺醒、對現世的僧惡及對未來社會的憧憬等等,應該可以提供我們一些線索,幫助我們了解五四文學可能蘊涵的烏托邦特質。
Near the end of the Qing Dynasty anarchism began to hold sway over Chinese intellectuals, and their enthusiasm for it lingered on throughout the early Republican years. Did anarchist ideas such as anti-institutionalism, women's liberation, free love, and the utopian vision of a society characterized by freedom and equality leave any decisive marks on the form and content of May Fourth literature? Starting from this perspective, I use Ba Jin's Turbulent Stream,A Trilogy(激流三部曲,1931)as an example to see how this work might have reflected the writer's anarchist tendency. Does it leave any traces in the characterization, plot, and formal aspects of the trilogy? The main characteristics of Turbulent Stream include symbolic personalities, the juxtaposition between good and evil, a narrator with a biased stance, didactic language, the awakening of the consciousness of the repressed classes (especially women), the hatred of the present world, and the yearning for a better society. These features can help us understand better the utopianism in May Fourth literature. To see how Turbulent Stream may have reflected Ba Jin's anarchist utopianism, I compare it with the classics of anarchism such as Kropotkin's works, the famous play Am Vorabend (1907), and Emma Goldman's articles on womeu's liberation. The end of my study discusses why Turbulent Stream has been considered “non- realistic” by critics insisting on the realistic reading of May Fourth literature. The main reason is that instead of objectively representing the present world, works like Turbulent Stream criticize it from the writers’ subjective viewpoints. And Marxist critics’ relentless criticism of Turbulent Stream reveals that the spirit of freedom and equality expressed by the work is a strong threat to Marxism.
起訖頁 353-384
刊名 中國文哲研究集刊  
期數 199203 (2期)
出版單位 中央研究院中國文哲研究所
該期刊-上一篇 康德的「根本惡」說——兼與孟子的性善說相比較
該期刊-下一篇 二程本體論要旨探究——從自然論向目的論的展開




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