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On Li-young Lee’s Poems: Memory Woven with Garden Imagery Child Motif and Chinese Food |
作者 |
陳順龍 |
中文摘要 |
身為一位傑出的華美詩人,李立揚經常表示,自己很清楚在英語的世界中他只是一個外來客。和其他出生於美國的第二代華裔移民有所不同的是,李立揚初到美國的時候已經是上小學的年紀,中文於他雖然未必稱得上是根深蒂固,卻必然已經產生了揮之不去的影響。本篇論述擬探討李立揚如何在異域文化中,調合展演己身不得不然的中華文化與「家風傳承」。就邏輯上來講,李立揚未必刻意以自己的姓氏為主軸,苦心雕琢自己的詩作。但是縱而觀之,卻無巧不成書,在李立揚詩作中似乎有一座會移動的林園,看似以「李」這個姓氏為中心點,卻在記憶與場域的時空座標中推移,不斷改動中心位置,恰巧符合德勒茲(Deleuze)對認知與生存的詮釋,是一種「移轉更替」的道理(becoming);在這座林園當中,常見榮格(Jung)理論中的小孩身影,徘徊倘佯,以自艾自憐、無助與角色扮演的方式來因應成人世界的諸般壓力;此外,園中的蔬果鄉愁味道濃郁,經常成為中式烹調的食材,連芳香的花朵也是可以吃的。李立揚在這樣一座游移的林園裡成長,其間甜美多汁的豐饒果漿,增添了李立揚詩作的亮度,使其益顯光華,獨樹一格。 |
英文摘要 |
As a distinguished Chinese American poet, Li-Young Lee often indicates that he is clearly aware of his being a guest to the English language. Different from other Chinese Americans of the second generation, Li-young Lee was already in primary school age when he arrived at America, by which time the Chinese input must have had an influence on him, if not deep-rooted enough as being ineradicable. This critical trial aims to explore Lee’s Chinese heritage as the cultural “guest elements,” in which Lee’s family name seems to pulsate as the center of a moving garden that instantly decenters itself in a mode of Deleuzian becoming. In a garden like this, Lee roams freely across time by retreating back into a Jungian child who fights the pressure of adulthood with self-pity, misplaced memories and fairytale-like impersonation. Also in a garden like this, floral fragrance becomes the aroma of food, rendering flowers edible, not to mention fruits and vegetables flavorful with strong nostalgia and typical of a Chinese cuisine. In another word, there seems to be a garden moving with Lee over the course of time, in which the flora of ripen fruits enrich the luster of Lee’s poetry. |
起訖頁 |
107-121 |
關鍵詞 |
李立揚、林園、雛兒主題、中式飲食、鄉愁、德勒茲、榮格、Li-young Lee、Garden、Child Motif、Chinese Cuisine、Nostalgia、Deleuze、Jung |
刊名 |
英語文暨口筆譯學集刊 |
期數 |
201507 (13:2期) |
出版單位 |
該期刊-上一篇 |
融合教師與學生中心之翻譯教學與評量—以新聞編譯課堂為例 |
該期刊-下一篇 |
「偽裝的抵抗」:重新思考菲麗絲.惠特莉詩作在強勢論述中的位置政治 |