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Development of A Computer-Aided System for Framed Scaffold Layout
作者 呂守陞周碩彥羅獻章林詩偉林楨中
施工架是建築工程施工時必備臨時設施,其使用材料由早期孟宗竹施工架至近期使用之鋼管架(包括單管式與框式)。基本上,施工架沿建築投影平面周長,再依據建築立面形成平面包覆。唯建築造型彼此具有相當差異,再者,施工架皆由單元所組成,如何就其安全性、施工性與經濟性加以合適地予以配置,對於後續建築施工影響甚大。依據行政院勞工委員會職業災害統計與美國職業安全衛生署(Occupational Safety and Health Administration, OSHA)相關資料顯示,施工架災害包括墜落、物體飛落、結構不穩、定電擊與荷重過載等。也因此針對施工架單元之品質要求(包括材質、尺寸、強度、構造等),乃至於整體施工架配置應有一完整要求,始能達到「安全無虞」之境地。有鑑於此,本計畫依據CNS國家標準之施工架單元規範、營造安全衛生設施標準、結構力學原理與施工架配置法則,以及AutoCAD系統開發「框式施工架配置規劃之電腦輔助系統」。此系統將結合上述安全衛生相關規定與施工架配置實務經驗與應力行為,將施工架之配置與安全相結合,並透過電腦系統進行施工架配置分析與顯示,以及應力分析等,以迅速與精確地將施工架分析成果提供給工程參與者進行後續作業。
Scaffold is an essential temporary facility in building construction. Scaffolds are generally operated in a rather high elevation. Safety becomes a critical factor for all activities performed on scaffolds. The lifting and erection of scaffolds, and other miscellaneous movements are significant activities. Therefore, the layout of scaffolds needs highly experienced personnel to establish a well-developed scaffolding plan. Nevertheless, these highly experienced personnel are rather limited. Thus, a simple yet reliable computer- aided scaffold layout system will contribute to the development of scaffold layout. In order to improve the process of scaffold layout due to the shortage of the so-called professionals, the aim of this research is to develop an applicable computer-aided scaffold layout system. The project first collects and systematically organizes the rules and guidelines concerning scaffold layout in Taiwan. The computer- aided scaffold layout system is then designed based upon theoretical and practical surveys. The development platform is AutoCAD. The system consists of a database and the AutoCad development language.
起訖頁 155-164
關鍵詞 框式施工架配置安全分析電腦輔助Framed scaffold layoutSafety analysisComputed-aided system
刊名 勞工安全衛生研究季刊  
期數 200506 (13:2期)
出版單位 行政院勞動部勞動及職業安全衛生研究所
該期刊-上一篇 故障樹分析軟體INERFT測試驗證之結果分析




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