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勞工安全衛生研究季刊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders among Foodservice Workers in Taiwan
作者 全中妤何汝惠張淑如陳秋蓉宋鴻樟
工作有關之肌肉骨骼傷病是歐美各國近年來最重視的職業傷害之一,為避免工作有關之肌肉骨骼傷病的發生,本研究發展一份問卷(員工基本資料調查、員工工作狀況與員工身體狀況等) ,目的在調查目前盒餐業/速食業/攤販業勞工的職業性肌肉骨骼傷病現況。有效問卷 570 份,大多數受訪者沒有吸菸(78.7%)與喝酒的習慣(88.3%) ,有嚼檳榔的比例只佔 6.2%。盒餐與速食業員工大多習慣運動(52%、55.3%) ,攤販業的每週工作日數(6.4 天)與每日工作時數(9.4 小時)在三業態中最高。調查的業者多以「煮」、「炒」、「炸」為製備特色,而工具使用則常是以「徒手操作」 (70%以上)居多。工作姿勢以「站立」的頻率最高(89-95.7%) ,工作中以「手腕經常彎曲且用力」 (35.3%) 、 「固定使用特定姿勢」 (38.6%)及「高重複性動作」 (41.1%)的比例最高。經醫師診斷結果,盒餐業與攤販業受訪者的「肌腱炎」與「下背痛」盛行率約在 12-14%之間,有「關節炎」的員工約佔全部受訪者的 9- 10%,其中「腕隧道症候群」在盒餐業受訪者的盛行率(6.1%)高於其他業者。大多數人認為自己身體狀況「尚可」 (52.0%) ,自述有「肩膀」 、 「手指及手腕」 、 「下背及腰」不舒適的比例較高(31%以上) ,而且兩性受訪者皆以「肩膀」不適的比例為最(34.1%,42.5%) ,在其不舒適的感覺中以「關節酸痛」是高頻率的訊息。這些現象足以說明盒餐業/速食業/攤販業從業人員的肌肉骨骼傷病盛行,甚至少數年輕人亦不例外,需要加以防治。
This cross-sectional survey investigated work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSD) for workers employeed in foodservice industry in Taiwan in 2002. With consents, questionnaire interviews with workers were conducted to collect information of their demographic characteristics, daily activities, work related activities, and perceived presence and severity of specific WMSD. Data from a total of 570 workers in the business of lunch box (n=309), fast food (n=161) and street food venders (n=100) were used in this study. Most of them did not smoke (78.7%) and drink (88.3%). Only 6.2% were betel nuts users. Their daily working hours ranged from 6.8 hours (fastfood) to 9.4 hours (venders). Compared with fastfood workers, lunch box workers were more likely to work using both hands (15.8% vs. 59.2%) and carry heavy objects (11.6% vs. 38.8%). The prevalence rate of low back pain appeared higher in lunch box workers (13.9 %) and venders (13.0%) than in fast food workers(2.0%). Similar prevalence pattern of tendonitis also appeared among them. Carpal tunnel syndrome was also more prevalent in lunch box workers (6.1%) than in venders (2.0%). Overall, approximately 39 % of participants complained of soar shoulders with no significant difference among the three-group workers. These findings suggest WMSD is prevalent among wokers in food industry and deserves prevention progam even for some young workers in fast food business.
起訖頁 239-249
關鍵詞 盒餐業/速食業/攤販業人員肌肉骨骼傷病不舒適的程度Musculoskeletal disordersWMSDFoodservice workerDiscomfort level
刊名 勞工安全衛生研究季刊  
期數 200409 (12:3期)
出版單位 行政院勞動部勞動及職業安全衛生研究所
該期刊-上一篇 吊籠穩固裝罝改良設計雛形製作與測試
該期刊-下一篇 對二氯苯生物偵測分析方法開發




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