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Hair Chromium Concentration of Electroplating Workers Exposed to Hexavalent Chromium
作者 潘致弘黃友利陳秋蓉杜宗禮洪粕宸陳桔根
本研究針對台灣地區七家電鍍工廠 26 位直接電鍍槽作業勞工、43 位其他現場作業勞工、與 20 位對照組勞工,進行評估六價鉻暴露與人體頭髮鉻之關係,直接電鍍槽作業勞工之作業環境空氣中六價鉻之個人採樣與區域採樣測定濃度皆低於法規之日時量容許濃度標準,直接電鍍槽作業勞工、其他現場作業勞工、與對照組勞工頭髮中鉻濃度之幾何平均值分別為 10.3 µg/g、8.1 µg/g 與 4.2 µg/g,經常用對數轉換後,以單因子變異數分析檢定顯示,三組作業勞工之頭髮鉻濃度沒有顯著差異存在。在調整抽煙因子後,直接電鍍槽作業勞工所暴露之空氣中六價鉻濃度與其頭髮鉻濃度有顯著正相關性存在。
This study attempted to evaluate chromium exposure by hair concentration measurement in electroplating workers. Hair samples were collected from 26 workers directly dealing with electroplating tanks, 43 other process workers and a reference group of 20 control subjects. Workplace air samples were analyzed to verify hexavalent chromium exposure. Both the hexavalent chromium concentrations by personal sampling and area sampling of workers directly dealing with electroplating tanks were lower than permissible exposure limit of the R.O.C. Government. The geometric mean hair chromium concentrations of workers directly dealing with electroplating tanks, other process workers and reference group were10.3, 8.1 and 4.2μg/g, respectively. There were no significant differences of chromium in hair among workers directly dealing with electroplating tanks, other process workers, and reference group by one-way analysis of variance after normalization of the curve on log-normal coordinates. There were significant difference between hexavalent chromium in the air and total chromium in the air after adjustment for the smoking factor.
起訖頁 176-184
關鍵詞 電鍍六價鉻頭髮鉻ElectroplatingHexavalent chromiumHair chromium concentration
刊名 勞工安全衛生研究季刊  
期數 200406 (12:2期)
出版單位 行政院勞動部勞動及職業安全衛生研究所
該期刊-上一篇 半導體無塵室的站坐兩用椅研發




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