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Modeling of Organic Solvent Permeation Through Protective Gloves
作者 趙克平吳明傑張承明
勞工在許多作業狀況之下,雙手需長期處理有機溶劑;因此,為避免勞工雙手因暴露於有機溶劑而危害健康,適當的防護手套乃成為保護勞工個人衛生的最後 一道防線。本研究利用ASTM F739 浸透測試腔,探討有機溶劑在腈類橡膠(Nitrile)聚合物材質手套中之浸透行為,經由浸透實驗及質傳理論得到其 Fick’s Law 擴散係數,並藉由模式模擬實驗結果,以討論此質傳模式之應用性。同時,經由複回歸分析建立擴散係數之相關式,其中包括有機溶劑之分子量、黏滯係數及 Kow。未來根據勞工使用防護手套之現場實際條件,可應用擴散係數質傳模式,評估有機溶劑對防護手套之浸透速率或破出時間,以及皮膚可能接觸到的暴露濃度,因此研究結果兼具理論與應用性。
Workers involved in the production, use, and transportation of liquid chemicals may be exposed to numerous organic solvents with the potential of causing harm upon contact with the human body. Therefore, gloves are the last lines of protection as organic solvents are handled, spilled, or splashed. The aims of this study were to investigate the diffusion coefficients of gloves to protect against organic solvents. In this study, experimental data was conducted using ASTM F739 Testing Cell. Several organic solvents, such as benzene, toluene, styrene, ethyl benzene, and p-xylene, were used to permeate through nitrile gloves. Further, diffusion coefficients were estimated by the Fick’s Law, and an empirical model was also developed by correlating the diffusion coefficients with several properties of organic solvents. Finally, a mathematical model was estimated to simulate the whole permeation process. Results of this study will provide not only as the assessment tools for hand skin exposure to organic solvents, but also to prevent workers from occupational illness.
起訖頁 309-319
關鍵詞 有機溶劑防護手套浸透擴散係數Organic solventProtective glovePermeationDiffusion coefficient
刊名 勞工安全衛生研究季刊  
期數 200312 (11:4期)
出版單位 行政院勞動部勞動及職業安全衛生研究所
該期刊-上一篇 我國職災死亡監控系統完整性之評估
該期刊-下一篇 評述職業暴露有害物質容許濃度標準之建立與風險量化




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