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Occupational Safety and Health Professionals’ Evaluation of Safety and Health Management Performance
作者 蘇德勝簡逞瑩
勞工安全衛生人員係事業單位中,為保障勞工安全與健康,從事安全衛生管理者,國內尚未對他們的訓練背景和實際從事勞工安全衛生管理之差異加以評鑑。本研究以「勞工安全衛生人員推動安全衛生管理成效調查問卷」為研究工具,對製造業等 15 種行業之勞工安全衛生管理人員進行調查,依事業單位之規模分層抽樣,共寄出 600 份問卷,回收有效問卷 169 份。約 79%的回收樣本來自製造業,資料分析著重比較安全衛生相關科系畢業及非安全衛生相關科系畢業之管理人員,經分析與討論做成以下結論:事業規模方面:事業規模達 500 人以上之事業單位,因其較講究專業、分工合作、適才適所,因此明顯偏好雇用具安全衛生相關科系教育之勞工安全衛生管理人員;而事業規模若為 299 人以下之單位,所僱用之勞工安全衛生管理人員多為非安全衛生相關科系畢業。勞工安全衛生人員之工作年資方面:安全衛生相關科系畢業之勞工安全衛生管理人員之工作年資大都未滿一年,約占 57.9%,但非工業安全衛生相關科系畢業之勞工安全衛生管理人員之工作年資大都五年以上,約占 58.7%。其可能原因應是大多數由工廠內部資深人員選派至安全衛生教育訓練機構接受勞工安全衛生管理人員受訓後從事工安工作,以兼任安全管理居多。但兩組人員對管理規章之認知、計畫實施內容及勞工安全衛生之推動,大致差異不大。本研究發現,事業單位若有招募勞工安全衛生管理人員時,將考慮優先錄用安全衛生相關科系畢業,且具有相關勞工安全衛生甲、乙級證照之人員。
Occupational safety and health professionals are responsible for safety and health management of an organization. Background and practice of these professionals have not been explored in Taiwan. A questionnaire survey is conducted to investigate their practice in occupational safety and health management. Among 600 questionnaires delivered to 15 types of organzations, 169 persons responded and 79% respondents in the with manufacturing industry. Data analyses compared knowledge, attitude and practice between the professionals received training in labor safety and health management from formal college education and professionals received no such formal college training. Enterprises with 500 and above employees were more likely to establish professional competence and team work, they were thus more likely to employ occupational safety and health management professionals graduated from the safety and health related fields. Enterprises with 299 or less employees were more likely to employpersonnel receiving no such education at school. Approximately 57.9% professionals who graduated from the safety and health related department had an employment history of less than 1 year; On the other hand, approximately 59% of the occupational safety and health management professionals who graduated from the non-related fields had an employment history of 5 years or longer. Organizations prefer to recruit occupational safety and health management professionals with formal education in safety and health related fields and wth certifications. Keywords:
起訖頁 285-299
關鍵詞 勞工安全衛生人員安全衛生管理安全衛生科系安全衛生技術証照Labor safety and health professionalsSafety and health managementSafety and health related fieldsSafety and health certificate
刊名 勞工安全衛生研究季刊  
期數 200312 (11:4期)
出版單位 行政院勞動部勞動及職業安全衛生研究所
該期刊-上一篇 空氣中結核分枝桿菌採樣及單股置換放大分析方法研究
該期刊-下一篇 我國職災死亡監控系統完整性之評估




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