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A Study on Employment and Work Demands among the Disabled in Tau-Yuan County
作者 曾淑芬劉捷文林進興
為瞭解肢體障礙者就業現況、職業安全衛生及職業訓練需求,針對桃園地區一萬兩千多名肢障者進行普查,共計回收問卷8,270份,其中16-64歲的肢障者有5,790人。研究結果顯示目前 16-64 歲的肢障者就業的比例約近五成,有近一成的肢障者曾經工作但目前無業。整體而言年輕的肢障者、男性、學歷較高者、屬於輕中度殘障等級的肢障者其就業的比例較高。在工作環境設備部分,約有兩成左右的就業肢障者表示工作場所中有肢障者專用的廁所、斜坡道和適用肢障者的電梯。在職業安全部分,有近一成五的就業肢障者表示曾經歷職業災害,男性、年齡較高者、教育程度低、屬於輕度肢障者、截肢和脊髓損傷類型的肢障者其發生職業災害的比例較高。超過兩成左右的肢障者表示有轉就業意願,並有二成五以上的肢障受訪者表示有意願接受職業訓練。政府就輔機構進行就業媒合時應瞭解不同殘障等級類型對於肢障者未來行職業別的需求,才能增加就業輔導相關單位的效率和媒合率,協助肢障者從事自己能負荷且有意願的行職業,增進肢障者的工作生活品質。政府相關單位必須鼓勵或規範企業主改善職場環境安全,提供適合肢障者的無障礙環境及工作環境。應依據肢障者的障別特性,於其工作環境進行局部的設計或職務再設計,以確保肢障者工作環境安全衛生。並依其工作性質及需求確實評估工作環境可能造成之潛在健康危害,避免因工作導致的二度職業傷害。另外,也應增加對肢障者發生職災後的相關醫療照護和法律諮詢服務,並監督公司工廠進行環境安全的改善措施。相關職業訓練的機構應考量勞動市場的需求趨勢和肢障者的特性,積極開設相關職訓課程,實際評估職訓效果。研究建議相關單位在研擬肢障者就業政策時應以建立身心障礙者職業訓練機構的多元化與精緻化、加強就業安置的功能、以及規劃特殊的身心障礙者職業安全衛生政策為方針,以達成肢障者回歸就業市場、回歸主流社會的目標。
This study aims at examining the current employment status of the disabled, exploring their intention and barriers to seek jobs, understanding their needs for job training and demands for the occupatioanl safety and health in the working place. A total of 8,270 physically handicapped in Tau-Yuan county was telephone surveyed via telephone interviews. The results reveal that almost half of the physically handicapped, aged from 16 to 64, in Tau-Yuan County are currently employed. Generally, younger, well educated, male handicapped and those at the lower level of disability stand a higher chance to get a job. About 14% of employed handicapped reported that they had experienced an occupational injury before. Those who were male, elder, less educated and with low disabilty handicapped handicaply are at a higher risk of occupational injury. More than twenty percent of physical handicapped show an intention to seek or change job in the near future. Moreover, a quarter of respondents is willing to attend job- training programs. The results suggested that a fully understanding of current employment status of the disabled and their needs for occupational safety and health in the working place is needed to promote the effeciency of rehabitation programs and job matching programs. The quality of working life and prevention of occupational injury should be the primary concerns for the disabled of job training programs and matching programs. Particularly, the individual disability and market demand for labor force should be taken into account in designing job training programs. Furthermore, governmental regulations of occupational safety and health in the working place should be effectively implemented and evaulated.
起訖頁 53-66
關鍵詞 肢體障礙者就業需求職業安全衛生職業訓練The disabledJob trainingJob matchingOccupational safety and health
刊名 勞工安全衛生研究季刊  
期數 200303 (11:1期)
出版單位 行政院勞動部勞動及職業安全衛生研究所
該期刊-上一篇 下背痛之生物力學評估與預防:以鞋廠從業人員為例
該期刊-下一篇 黃光環境暴露色彩辨識探討




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