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勞工安全衛生研究季刊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

The Investigation of Whole Body Vibration Exposure for Container Tractor Drivers
作者 劉玉文葉文裕盧士一
由流行病學之研究發現全身振動暴露與下背部疼痛以及退化性∕突出性椎間盤疾病的發生有關聯。本研究之目的在對國內產業中有全身振動且其振動暴露劑量高之曳引拖車司機,以 ISO 2631/1- 1985規定之內容進行調查與評估,實際紀錄拖車司機之全身振動暴露情形,全身振動經分析結果與現行'勞工安全衛生設施規則'之振動容許暴露閾值比較。研究使用之測定儀器包括席座式檢波器、振動分析器、振幅放大器、1/3 八音度頻譜分析儀、振動波記錄器、及電源供應器等。測定結果發現,國內曳引貨櫃拖車司機之工作與一般製造業勞工不同,隔天駕駛曳引車在高速公路上南北奔波時間達 8~12小時,另外一天除簡單行政事務處理外,屬於司機個人休息時間。司機的全身振動暴露量普遍偏高。X、Y、 Z 三軸中以 Z 軸的全身振動量最嚴重(全域振動量為 0.67~7.94m/s2 ),在十四趟測定中,九趟的最大與均能振動量超過'勞工安全衛生設施規則'之振動容許暴露限值。若以 ISO 2631/1-1985 之建議,拖車司機每天直接暴露於曳引拖車振動之時間不得超過六小時。
Epidemiology studies of various workers population have linked whole-body vibration (WBV) exposure to lumbar spine pain and degenerative/herniated disc disease. The aims of this study are to investigate vibration exposure condition for container tractor drivers, and discuss the feasibility of WBV exposure limits described in 'Labor Safety and Health Installation Regulations'. This study includes that the 1/3 octave band analysis of vibration acceleration for container tractors was measured on workplace by using the seated pick-up, amplitude amplifier, vibrated analyzer, 1/3 octave frequency analyzer and data recorder. The results showed that tractor drivers drive 8-12 hours every one of two days on highway, and they take a rest and handle some simple administration on the other day. Their working hours is different between those labors that are working in the manufacturing industry. The exposure level of WBV for container tractor drivers was high, and vibration on Z-axis between 0.67m/s2 and 7.94m/s2! was most serious one during three axises (X,Y,Z) measurement. The maximum or equivalent level were higher than the exposure limits of 'Labor Safety and Health Installation Regulations' in 9 measurements during a total of 14-cases study. According to ISO 2631/1-1985, the study results suggest that vibration exposure time for tractor may not excess 6 hours daily.
起訖頁 304-314
關鍵詞 曳引拖車司機全身振動振動暴露容許暴露限值Container tractor driversWhole body vibrationWBVVibration exposureAllowable exposure threshold
刊名 勞工安全衛生研究季刊  
期數 200212 (10:4期)
出版單位 行政院勞動部勞動及職業安全衛生研究所
該期刊-上一篇 起重機吊掛安全脫離控制裝置研發
該期刊-下一篇 二硫化碳被動式採樣熱脫附氣相層析質譜儀分析方法研究




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