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Occupational Hazards of the Workplace in 1999 among Taiwanese Workers
作者 梁文敏郭憲文王昶弼陳秋蓉
本研究之目的在探討台灣地區勞工之職業傷害及其作業環境之危險因素。研究對象以 88 年間所有參與勞工保險(共計7,597,386人)之母群體,利用多階段抽樣方式抽取樣本,有效樣本數為1,726 人,訪問期間從民國88年5月至民國88年7月,樣本基本特質與母群體相似,其中男女數各半,年齡層分布以30~44歲人數最多佔47.6%,小於30歲次之佔27.9%,至於行業別以製造業勞工比例最高佔33.0%,以農林漁牧之比例最低佔3.0%。台灣地區勞工暴露有關人因工程性質工作者佔 54.3%,其中以手部重複同一單調的工作比例最高佔30.0%,作業速度無法自行控制者比例最低佔4.2%。另外,勞工作業場所可能遭遇之危險工作約佔 49.1%,其中以切割操作者比例最高佔18.5%,X光游離輻射佔1.4%及缺氧佔1.2%為最低。在作業環境中需要穿戴防護具者佔33.3%,以需要穿戴防護手套者最高佔17.2%,口罩或呼吸防護具者佔16.6% 次之。在過去一年間勞工曾因職業原因受傷者佔 3.0%,而因職業原因且在職場受傷之比例佔 2.1%。結果顯示勞工職業傷害與其人因工程工作性質有統計相關者,包括全身震動、手部重複同一單調動作、工作時經常握持很重手工具、經常搬運重物、姿勢不自然及作業速度無法自行控制。而勞工職業傷害與職場之危險因素有統計相關者,包括跌倒滑倒、墜落、物體倒塌或飛落、夾傷、切割擦傷、衝撞及被撞及燙傷燒傷。因此作者建議應加強各種作業環境職業危害因子的管理,確實有效控制各種危害因子的發生,以減少對作業勞工之傷害。
The objective of this study is to investigate occupational hazards in the workplace among Taiwanese workers. Subjects (n=1,726) were randomly selected using multi-stage probability sampling from Taiwan's labor insurance records (n=7,597,386) and all subjects had demographic profiles which were similar to that of the general worker population. Interview period was from May 1999 to July 1999. Most subjects were 30-44 yearsed (47.6%) and the male-female ratio was 1:1. The most common occupations were manufacturing (33%). The least common were agriculture, fishery and forestry (3%). Fifty-four percent of workers were exposed to ergonomic hazards, such as repetitive or monotonous stress in the hands (30%). The least common hazard was speed of factory operating machinery, such as conveyer belt (4.2%). Almost half of the subjects (49.1%) were exposed to occupational hazards. The most common injuries were cuts and abrasions (18.5%). The least common were X-ray exposure (1.4%), and anoxia (1.2%). One third of workers wore personal protective equipment (PPE), such as gloves (17.2%) and respiratory mask (16.6%). In 1999, a proportion 3% of workers sustained some forms of occupational injury and 2.1% were injured in the workplace. The ergonomic factors affecting occupational injuries were vibration to the whole body, repetitive stress in the hands, regular use of heavy tools, lifting and carrying heavy objects, unnatural posture and uncontrolled speed of operation. Hazards causing occupational injuries includedfall, cut and abrasion, collision and burn. It is recommended that workplaces should implement measures to improve safety by reducing worker exposure to occupational hazards.
起訖頁 285-294
關鍵詞 職業傷害作業環境危險因素Occupational hazardsWorkplace
刊名 勞工安全衛生研究季刊  
期數 200212 (10:4期)
出版單位 行政院勞動部勞動及職業安全衛生研究所
該期刊-上一篇 牙體技術人員職業暴露危害調查
該期刊-下一篇 起重機吊掛安全脫離控制裝置研發




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