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Hazard Management of Building Support and Demolition
作者 張書銓張寬勇陳偉堯
由於緊急救災的需要,拆除震後毀損建築物無法像一般工程一樣,有充裕的時間來規劃安全衛生的措施,但是也不能迫促而就簡陋,完全忽略了職業災害的可能發生,進而危害到勞工的安全。本文首先探討 921 震後毀損建築物在拆除過程中勞工作業災害案例,並擬定震損建築物拆除作業下勞工之安全作業流程,以提供勞工安全作業環境。並藉由斜撐與再撐系統之結構力學行為分析,推算安全之斜再撐型鋼模式,以提供勞工從事人員搶救與緊急拆除之參考,除能迅速完成搶救或拆除作業外,亦能兼顧勞工的人身安全,避免二次災害之發生。
Because of the urgent needs to perform emergency rescues, sufficient time is usually not allowed to plan the rescue operations and implement the corresponding workplace safety and hygiene issues. However, it is important not to ignore the possibility of occupational accidents and endanger the rescue workers. In this paper, a case analysis of occupational accidents after the Ji-Ji earthquake during the stage of building demolitions is conducted first. Emergency demolition procedures for rescue workers to provide safer working environments are also studied. Finally, the necessary spacing between H-beams in a temporary support system based on the principles of structural mechanics is calculated. It is hoped that this information can be used by the rescue workers to implement better operating procedures for emergency rescues and building demolitions. Consequently, both the rapid demolition of buildings and the protection of participating workers can be accomplished. This will greatly reduce the mortality rates in the future earthquake-related rescue and demolition operations.
起訖頁 58-66
關鍵詞 作業安全流程斜撐與再撐系統建築物拆除二次災害Operating proceduresTemporary supportBuilding demolitionSecondary hazards
刊名 勞工安全衛生研究季刊  
期數 200203 (10:1期)
出版單位 行政院勞動部勞動及職業安全衛生研究所
該期刊-上一篇 累積性上肢傷害調查研究──以國小老師與打字員為對象
該期刊-下一篇 第一種壓力容器電腦輔助結構安全檢驗系統之研發




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