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gEstablishment of Standard Management and Follow Up Procedures for Worker Cohort Databases in Taiwan
作者 符晴雯白其卉陳玉欣 (Yu-Hsin Chen)王玉皎劉美容杜宗禮陳秋蓉吳玉萍 (Yu-Ping Wu)
近年來,隨著資訊科技迅速發展,儲存資料與使用資料的成本日益低廉。在歐美地區,許多研究的發現,即是透過特定人群資料與大型資料庫的進一步連結分析而取得。勞委會歷年來,委託學術界進行相當多耗時費力的勞工世代研究,以觀察特定的勞工暴露與健康狀態的關係。本計畫嘗試將當時的世代資訊與後續的健康相關資料統合為暴露勞工世代資料庫,以為暴露勞工後續追蹤分析之用。 本研究針對八個職業世代(肥料工人世代、氯乙烯作業勞工投保資料世代、氯乙烯作業勞工健康檢查世代、職業世代、二硫化碳世代、染料工人世代、塵肺症世代、礦工世代)進行資料清整、維護、歸戶歸人工作,進一步與六個健康相關資料庫(死亡檔、健保住院檔、勞保住院檔、勞保現金給付檔、職災住院費用明細檔、職災醫療住院申請檔)相互連結,將操作原則與操作過程詳實記錄,並說明所遭遇的困難以及各種相關決定的考量因素,將經驗提供給勞委會,以為未來進行相關資料庫整合時參考。進一步為使清整過後之資料方便管理、便於取用,在電子隱私資料保護為主要考量下,開發完成管理軟體,便於日後資料的選用及維護工作。 本研究在世代資料原型建立、資料清理、軟體建置的過程中,發現交付資料格式的不一以及原始相關書面資料的缺乏,對於後續處理產生較多的困擾。嘗試就基本資料的收集、資料格式的建立、儲存軟體的選擇、譯碼表、以及相關原始文件等必須交付的文件資訊及電子資料,做標準化建議,以期加快後續的處理速度。個人隱私資料保護的討論,是本研究另一重點。對於被研究個案、資料處理者(資料收集人員)、資料使用者(研究人員)以及資訊提供者的適當保護,本研究已做初步資訊的收集,並嘗試在資料處理過程、資料儲存以及將來資料的管理應用上,做較多的考慮,恐不盡完善,值得後續追蹤及探討。
In recently years, due to the fast growing development of technology, it has become more cost effective to obtain, use, and store information by utilizing a large database. In Europe and the United States, many databanks and databases were great resources used to append more health status and exposure information of specific persons. The Council of Labor Affairs entrusted researches to conduct many lengthy studies on occupational exposure cohort to observe specific labors about their exposed and health-related issues in the past years. This project tried to link the cohort raw data to other health-related databases to be integrated as an occupational exposure cohort database. This project focused on eight exposure cohorts' studies in fertilizer, VCM, occupational, CS2, dyestuff, dust-induced lung diseases, coalminers. We tried to link this eight original cohort raw data to death registry database, hospitalization payment claims database, monetary compensation database and occupational injuries of hospitalization payment databases. We recorded the processing of data management in detail and established a standard operational protocol for future needs. After considering of privacy and security, we also developed a friendly user interface to share and maintain data in the future. In order to share this research data, we unify all of the data structures, coding books, and related original documentations. For privacy and security consideration, we developed two-level security codes to protect study cases, data managers, and data users.
起訖頁 456-469
關鍵詞 職業暴露資料庫隱私權Occupational exposure cohortDatabasesPrivacy
刊名 勞工安全衛生研究季刊  
期數 200112 (9:4期)
出版單位 行政院勞動部勞動及職業安全衛生研究所
該期刊-上一篇 耐壓型防爆電氣設備維護保護檢查之應用




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