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Notes on SensusCommunis for Confronting Value Conflicts
作者 唐功培陳姵蓉
本文在回應在多元社會中民主發展問題:臺灣社會在現代化民主化過程中,人常因意見立場的不同而面臨對立與衝突的狀況,甚至被渲染成族群間的敵對情緒。然而,在民主的訴求下又需要社會的共識。身為教師,我們必須知道我們的行為會是學生的仿效的對象。然而,在我們被牽連到價值衝突的狀況時,我們要如何處理,以免產生獨斷或冷漠的表現?針對上述問題,本研究將嘗試從康德與Gadamer對共通感(sensus communis)的闡述去尋找答案。藉由探討康德此啟蒙運動代表人物的教育闡述及時代背景,以釐清討論共通感之原因;因為在理性判斷與美感判斷相分離的條件下,許多並非基於抽象化概念,而是被認定為由感受而產生的價值對立及衝突便無法處理。而Gadamer以生成法說明共通感的形塑過程卻提供一個除了要求批判思考外的處理價值衝突的途徑。此外,本研究藉由分析日德蘭郵報穆罕默德漫畫事件,具象化Gadamer闡述的共通感概念。本文末尾嘗試統整康德闡述共通感時所提到「每個他者」(jedes andere)概念與蘇格拉底「對自身無知的認識」(das Wissen des Nichtwissens),並且藉此提出在面對多元價值社會時,人能經由回顧自己如何以生成法培養共通感,也就是「以異化為前提的返回自身」(Heimkehr zu sich)的教化歷程,並由這樣的檢視,讓自己掌握當下的「每個他者」,以超越當下的價值對立時的各說各話。
Conflicts and disagreements have emerged more and more destructively in the course of modernization. As educators, our behaviors are observed and imitated by students. How should we respond to conflicts to avoid misleading students with our own blind sight and subjective opinions? This study aims at finding a preliminary answer to the above question by explaining I. Kant’s and H. G. Gadamer's ideas of sensuscommunis. To tell the differences between their beliefs on sensuscommunis, we begin with inquiring Kant's idea on enlightenment and education. According to Kant's theory, we'd like to claim that rational judgment and aesthetic judgment are separated. Therefore, educators take into consideration critical thinking, moral reasoning, and debating as the essential approaches to dealing with value conflicts. However, we only propose intellectual, but not affective human qualities in the study here. Following Gadamer, we argue that the generative method for cultivating sensuscommunis, which was discarded in the time of enlightenment, should be reconsidered. Only when we recognize that the generative method, in addition to critical thinking, is also a valid approach to respond to conflict situations, we could then begin to understand the beliefs from the involved parties not only intellectually, but also aesthetically.
起訖頁 81-99
關鍵詞 共通感價值衝突生成法SensuscommunisH. G. Gadamervalue conflictsgenerative method
刊名 嘉大教育研究學刊  
期數 201606 (36期)
出版單位 國立嘉義大學
該期刊-上一篇 教育者心裡的小孩--以教師敘事探討多元的教育價值觀
該期刊-下一篇 從鐵伊《時間的女兒》論大眾史學與教育美學的蘊義與價值




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