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成大歷史學報 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Disputes over the Ottoman-Iranian Border with Britain's Involvement 1905-1914
作者 陳立樵
Based on documents of the British Foreign Office, the discusses disputes over the Ottoman-Iranian border, in relation to the Anglo-Iranian relations lndia Office, the British Petroleum Archives and the lranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The border issue, inherited from arguments between Iran and the Ottoman Empire for centuries, receives less attention among scholars. This study attempts to draw a whole picture of the border issue in the early twentieth century. In addition, Britain and Russia had been playing significant roles in the issue since the nineteenth century. Britain, especially, owing to her discovery of oil in south-west Iran, and close to the Ottoman-Iranian border, paid more attention for her security of oil interests. Up to the First World War, nevertheless, the Tehran protocol of 1911, the Istanbul protocol of 1913, and erections of border pillars in 1914 all failed help the border issue to settle down.
起訖頁 141-177
關鍵詞 伊朗鄂圖曼帝國1847年艾爾澤魯姆條約穆哈梅拉英國波斯石油公司1911年德黑蘭議定書1913年伊斯坦堡議定書IranOttoman EmpireTreaty of Erzerum in 1847MoharnmerahAnglo-Persian Oil CompanyProtocol of Tehran in 1911Protocol of lstanbul in 1913
刊名 成大歷史學報  
期數 201406 (46期)
出版單位 國立成功大學歷史學系
該期刊-上一篇 從聖經救恩史看文藝復興早期安基利科修士【聖告圖】中「道成肉身」的象徵與記憶
該期刊-下一篇 黑人女性在「黑人生活與歷史研習協會」活動之研究,1915~1950




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