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Wandering the Edge of the Ritual: The Tombs of Successor Wives in Changan and Luoyang in Tang Dynasty
作者 金蕙涵
Monogamy constituted the most appropriate ritual in the core of family in Tang Dynasty, whether living or dead. Thus, joint burial for husbands and wives became an important funeral tradition. Yet, beside the first wives, successor wives who had a formal role in marriage also had the legal right to jointly buried with their husbands. According to the law of the Tang, a man could not have two wives at the same time. But successor wives, who enteried the family after the death of the first wife through the same formal wedding procedure, played as important a role in the family as the first wife in both domestic sacrifices to the ancestors and duties to the family. Even in the funeral system, descendants mourned the same term for mothers and step mothers. With the law, successor wives seemed to be equivalent in all aspects with first wives. But through careful analysis of excavations of tombs around Changan and Luoyang, literature and epigraphs, we can see that joint burial of the three was controversial in reality. Whether a husband was buried in a tomb with both wives, and whether the successor wife was buried m a single tomb might come from personal circumstances (Buddhist faith, childlessness, an augury). But it might also come from the ritual relation between monogamy and successor wives in the Tang Dynasty, which is the main point of this article.
起訖頁 1-42
關鍵詞 唐代兩京夫妻合葬繼室考古墓葬Tangthe Two CapitalsJoint Burial of CoupleSuccessor WivesArchaeologyTombs
刊名 成大歷史學報  
期數 201306 (44期)
出版單位 國立成功大學歷史學系
該期刊-下一篇 阿史那自奴(哲)墓誌箋證考釋




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