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The Relationships of the Court, Lu, and County at Local Famine-Relief in Southern Song Dynasty- take Chu-Xi, Chen-Mi and Huang-Cheng for Example
作者 鄭銘德
Most of the present studies consider the relationship between the local governments in Dynasty of South Song, ”lu” (路) and ”county” or ”Zhou Jun” (州軍), as the power relation of the supervisor and the supervised. This study attempts to take Chu-Xi (朱熹, 1130-1200) in Nankang Jun (南康軍), Chen-Mi (陳宓, 1171-1230) in Nankang Jun (南康軍) and Nanjian Zhou (南劍州), and Huang-Zheng (黃震, 1213-1280) in Fu-Zhou (撫州) for example, to discuss the relationship of the Court, Lu, and County during a period of famine. There are three features observed in this study: First, in the official documents submission procedures, County-Court and County-Lu-Court are coexistent. Second, The Court's Order (省箚) are very important when the county does not share the same opinion with Lu. Third, when documents are exchanged between units, personal letters to the officers of units are often attached. In my opinion, the relationship of Lu and Conuty are not necessarily a power relation between the supervisor and the supervised. In some situations, County and Lu may hold equal status, which however requires more studies to prove it.
起訖頁 1-32
關鍵詞 荒政朱熹陳宓黃震宋代地方制度Famine-reliefChu-XiChen-MiHuang-ZhengSunglocal institutions
刊名 成大歷史學報  
期數 201112 (41期)
出版單位 國立成功大學歷史學系
該期刊-下一篇 明代長城線外的森林砍伐




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