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The Uniform of Faith, Ideology and Custom in Early Imperial China
作者 王健文
This paper attempts to explore three different aspects of the early imperial China in areas of faith and ideology in the establishment of a new order. The first is accompanied by changes in world order, the order also followed the sky astrology restructuring. Second, the early Empire, re-sacrifice to determine Imperial, the core of imperial power from the Suburban on behalf of the reform of worship, belief in ghosts to the consolidation of the local witch, a comprehensive reconstruction of the spirits of the world Order. Third, all over the diverse customs and cultures should be uniformed. From Qin to the early Han, re-order beliefs need to experience a long and tortuous process. The first is the unity of heaven and earth with the order also classified as a unified. Empire unified the order of heaven, the spirits world, the object is also accepted norms, so construction of the Imperial Ceremony, ”崇明祀, ”禁淫祀”, complete a new era of tailor-made for the sacrificial system. the original folk culture of openness and pluralism had been uniformed to be the same. However, the double-track the development of history is often entangled, either forwards or backwards. Consistent with the unity of the whole project, and sometimes have a profound and deeply rooted tradition of local compromise. Here we can see the powerful cultural forces of local autonomy and vitality. Cosmology from Astronomy, to the gods worship religion, social ethics and then to place the order, we witness the construction of a comprehensive unified empire.
起訖頁 1-40
關鍵詞 帝制中國整齊鄉俗信仰秩序分野說淫祀early imperial Chinaorder of faiththe imperial ceremonyuniformplural
刊名 成大歷史學報  
期數 201012 (39期)
出版單位 國立成功大學歷史學系
該期刊-下一篇 古代韓國的道教和道教文化




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