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Is Removed by England American Australia New Union the Reason
作者 汪詩明
The Second World War hit the UK's power and influence in the Far East and the Pacific area greatly. After the war, two most important countries of the British Commonwealth Australia and New Zealand formed a triangle alliance with the United States. The reasons for the UK's expulsion from the ANZUS were manifold. The UK's declining power, some adjustment of her external strategy and her blind believe in the US, all made her into a marginal position in defense arrangement in the Pacific area. The increasing sense of self-protection of Australia and New Zealand, Australia's ambition to exert its leading role in the affairs of the Pacific area, and her disappointment with the defense regime of the British Commonwealth, all made the relationship of strategy between Australia and the UK less important than ever. Some conflict between the US's global strategy which was being gradually established after the war, and the strategy of the British Commonwealth which the UK wanted to maintain, the US's policies of diplomacy and defense of isolationism which decided that she was reluctant to share more commitment of defense for the British Commonwealth, the disagreement between the UK and the US on some important issues, all those have influenced the US's attitude to the UK at different levels. All in all, the most important or fundamental reason for that was the US's dislike about the UK participation into it.
起訖頁 131-158
關鍵詞 英國澳大利亞美國美澳新同盟EnglandAustraliaU.S.A.the ANZUS
刊名 成大歷史學報  
期數 200806 (34期)
出版單位 國立成功大學歷史學系
該期刊-上一篇 清代中葉廣東海盜之研究(1810-1885)




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