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Fanlation in the Digital Age
作者 廖佳慧
新型態的網路粉絲團隊翻譯(fanlation)已然挑戰我們向來看待翻譯專業的觀點, 也可能影響翻譯研究、實踐與學習。本文將針對兩個常見重要問題進行討論:粉絲 團隊翻譯特有的創意改作,以及非直接授權譯作衍生的智慧財產權爭議。作者採用 翻譯理論學者巴斯奈特(Susan Bassnett)所提出的翻譯即改寫(rewriting)觀點,探討粉 絲譯者富含創意的改寫行為,並加以實例分析佐證,提出解讀粉絲團隊翻譯行為的 角度。此外,作者倡議善用創用CC 授權機制(Creative Commons),為原作(者)與粉 絲譯作(者)雙方營造共生關係,基於尊重原創的前提,鼓勵創意融入翻譯過程,讓 原作透過翻譯達成更多元而深遠的散播。文中同時藉由探討網路粉絲團隊翻譯的動 機、協力翻譯的歷史與模式,以及追求專業翻譯品質的努力等議題,建構粉絲譯者 的角色認同。
Fanlation is influencing the way translation studies moves towards. This paper will discuss the following two issues concerning fanlation: creative rewriting and intellectual property infringement. Based on Susan Bassnett’s perspective on rewriting, the present study intends to explore into fanlators’ rewriting acts with a sample of amateur translation. In addition, the current paper proposes that Creative Commons could be employed to help establish a symbiotic relationship between copyright owners and fanlators. On grounds of mutual respect and communication, fanlators deserve recognition for incorporating creativity into the translation process. Meanwhile, the translated may help disseminate the original further. This article will also discuss key issues including the development of collaborative translation, motivations for translation, and concerns for quality improvement, seeking to reinforce the identity of fanlators within the current web environment where mass collaboration is increasingly used.
起訖頁 039-062
關鍵詞 網路粉絲翻譯群眾外包(公眾集思廣益)協力翻譯創用CC授權改寫理論fanlationcrowdsourcingcollaborative translationCreative Commonsrewriting
刊名 英語文暨口筆譯學集刊  
期數 201501 (13:1期)
出版單位 英語文暨口筆譯學集刊編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 同步聽讀概念圖式結構之英聽活化教學
該期刊-下一篇 英譯中雙語新聞翻譯方法評析:以《聯合報》為譯例




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