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Three Lines of the Enactment of Chinese Civil Code
作者 易繼明
中華人民共和國民法典的制定經歷了 “三起三落”,分別是在20世紀50年代、60年代和80年代。1997年,中共十五大提出了依法治國和保障人權,民法典的制定再一次被提上日程。第四次民法典的制定,最初遵循“三步走”的計劃;2002年在領導人的推動下,一部“鹵菜拼盤”式的民法典草案被提交九屆全國人大常委會第三十一次會議討論;在學界對2002年民法典草案的普遍反對之下,2004年,民法典的制定由“批發”改為“零售”,形成了先制定物權法,再制定侵權法、人格權法、涉外民事關係法律適用法,然後在此基礎上形成民法典的立法步驟。第四次民法典的制定,經歷了“三條思路”的論戰、要制定“物權法”還是“財產法”的爭論、“物權法”草案是否違憲的爭議等一系列的波折。到目前為止,基本上形成了“新現實主義”、“新理想主義”和“延期派”三條路線。民法的法典化,受到學術積累和相應的政治、經濟、文化環境乃至民族情感等因素的制約,中國需要在這些條件成就的基礎上,自然地、漸進地衍生出一部優秀的民法典。
The enactment of Civil Code of the P. R. China has undergone three rises and three falls, which happened in the 1950s, 1960s and 1980s respectively. In 1997, after the Communist Party of China (CPC) put forward the strategies of ruling of the law and of safeguarding the human rights in the 31st National Congress of the CPC, the enactment of Civil Code was put on the agenda again. Originally the fourth enactment of Civil Code was to be accomplished via the three-step strategy. But in 2002, due to the leader’s anxiety for success, a welter of Civil Code Draft was submitted to the 11th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Ninth NPC for discussion. The Chinese academia fighted fiercely against the 2002 Draft, therefore the route for the enactment of the Civil Code was changed from “wholesale” to “retails”. NPC decided to enact the Property Law first, then the Torts Law, Personal Rights Law and the Law of the Application of Law for Foreign-related Civil Relations, and eventually make up Civil Code on the basis of these laws. The fourth enactment of Civil Code endures a number of twists and turns, such as the debate over the three routes to drafting the Civil Code, whether to enact a Property Law or a Real Property Law, and whether the Property Law Draft is unconstitutional. Till now, there are three routes to enacting the Civil Code, the new realism route, the idealism route and the postponement route. The codification of Civil Law is subject to the academic background, political, economic, cultural environments, and even the national sentiment, hence an excellent Civil Code can evolve naturally and gradually only if these conditions allow.
起訖頁 1-19
關鍵詞 “三起三落”新現實主義新理想主義延期派The Three Rises and FallsNew RealismNew IdealismPostponement Route
刊名 私法  
期數 201110 (18期)
出版單位 華中科技大學
該期刊-下一篇 “對接”的“父愛”--評《侵權責任法》第56條中的“醫療權”




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