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作者 馬蒂阿斯‧雷曼常鵬翱
19世紀德國法律科學是一種極其複雜的現象。一方面,它蘊涵了紛繁各异的方法,另一方面,它又是協調統一的。要了解它,就必須追溯其起源,展示其外在方面的差异性,展示其基本觀念的內在一致性。德國法律科學的產生,回應了因自然法解構而引發的方法論需要。為了迎合這些需要,就產生了歷史進路和體系進路,最終形成了結合這兩種進路的法學— 薩維尼的歷史法律理論。在薩維尼的歷史法學基礎上,諸多流派得以成形。其中的一派注重體系,在這一派中,有的專注羅馬法,有的則關注德國法。另一派強調歷史,其中有的強調羅馬法,有的則探討德國法律史。這就有可能用諸多不同的方法來研究德國法學,但由此也很難看出這種差异性潛在具有的共同理念。為了解決上述問題,就要分析和整合了這些基本理念,以顯示在構成法律科學概念時,它們的相互作用居於什麼樣的位置。法律科學概念的主導要素是“歷史”和“體系”。這些基本概念的意義容易被誤解,這對評價1 9 世紀德國法律科學是非常有害的。確定法律科學的主要成分,有可能展示它們的相互作用。法律科學的要旨是“歷史”和“體系”的整合。這是1 9 世紀德國法學家的基本信條,也是一個基本的方法論問題。它要求協調歷史真相與邏輯規律。薩維尼把法律作為一種根植於文化的有機整體、並服務於保護個人自由的現象,這樣,他就把這兩個概念合而為一了。法律科學是綜合法律的歷史方法、體系目標和個人主義功能於一體的結果,它同時具有實證主義、唯心主義和形式主義的特點。
Nineteenth century German legal science was a highly complex phenomenon. On one hand, it was marked by a great diversity of approaches. On the other hand, it was also united. To understand it, we must trace its origins, develop the diversity of its external manifestations, and demonstrate the internal coherence of its basic ideas. The devolpment of German legal science was the response to the methodological needs that arose from the deconstruction of natural law. To meet these needs, historical as well as systematic approaches is explored, and the jurisprudence-Savigny’s historical theory of law-combined both approaches is formed. Based on Savigny’s historical jurisprudence, a multitude of branches came ino being. One group of scholars pursed the systematic dimension and was spilt into those focusing on Roman law, and others dealing with German law. A different branch emphasized the historical dimension, again partially analyzing Roman law and partially exploring German legal history. The result was a variety of scholarship that make it possible to perceive German jurisprudence in many different ways, but which also makes it difficult to see the common ideas underlying the diversity. To resolve such question, it is necessary to analyse and synthesize these fundamental ideas, from which we will know that how their interplay constituted the concept of legal science itself. The major elements constituting the concept of “Rechtswissenschaft”(legal science) are “Geschichte” (history) and “System ”. The meaning of these fundamental concepts is easily misunderstood, much to the detriment of a sober appreciation of nineteenth century German legal science. The identification of the major elements of legal science makes it possible to demonstrate their interaction. The gist of “Rechtswissenschaft” was the synthesis of “Geschichte” and “System ”. This synthesis was the fundamental credo of German jurists throughout the nineteenth century and a basic methodological problem. It required the reconciliation of historical truth with logical order. Savigny united both concepts by presenting law as a phenomenon that was rooted in the organic whole of the culture and that served the protection of individual freedom. As a result of the combination of historical method, systematic goal, and individualist function of law, the character of “Rechtswissenschaft” was marked by a mixture of positivism, idealism, and formalism.
起訖頁 189-247
關鍵詞 德國法律科學歷史体系薩維尼German Legal ScienceHistorySystemSavigny
刊名 私法  
期數 200507 (9期)
出版單位 華中科技大學
該期刊-上一篇 家庭代際財產傳承的習慣法、國家法和西方法--以湖北省Z市S鎮法庭糾紛處理為例
該期刊-下一篇 論法律上的歸屬




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