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作者 寺田浩明鄭英蓉
本篇論文的目的是對構成黃宗智教授的《中國的民事審判— 清代的表達與實踐》的三個主要要素重新進行批判性地分析。這三個主要要素分別是,清代國家的民事審判曾依據國家實定法保護當事人的權利;但是這種實踐與清代國家在維護秩序所顯現出來的表達不一致;中華民國以後的法制的發展是清代保護權利的實踐的延伸。第1 節從整體上分析了黃教授的著作和筆者觀點的關系。第2節,探討了黃教授觀點的前提,即汪輝祖的“聽斷以法”這一措辭,指出它的意思並不是指依據實定法保護民事權利,而是指把糾紛作為刑事案件來處理並施加必要的刑罰。第3節,通過分析具有刑事性質的清代聽訟是怎樣解決民事利益糾紛的這一問題,揭示了當時的表達與實踐的關系並不是“矛盾背離”(paradoxical disjunction)。第4節,從其他的角度分析了清代聽訟所固有的結構上的難點,指出黃教授的觀點是不完全的。第5節,提示了筆者對清代法秩序和近現代中國法秩序的關系的理解,對黃教授的近代主義的歷史理解提出了疑問。
In this article, I examine three of the arguments that constitute the framework of Professor Philip C . C. Huang’s ambitious book, Civil Justice in China: Representation and Practice in the Qing (1996). His arguments under examination here are: (1) Qing courts in practice protected the rights of litigants through adjudication of civil disputes in accordance with state law; (2) actual practice of justice differed from the Qing State’s official representation (or state ideology) concerning the maintenance of social Order; (3) development of civil law in Republican China can be seen as an extension of the “practice” of Qing China. Section 1 is an introduction. In Section 2, I examine Wang Huizu’s famous phrase, “Tingduan yifa”(adjudication needs to be carried out by law), cited by Huang as the basis of his argument. In this phrase “fa” meant punishment, not law; the phrase meant“handle the dispute as a criminal case and apply appropriate punishment, ”not“protect the right of the litigants in accordance with positive law.” In Section 3, 1 explain the internal logic by which the Qing system adjudicated civil disputes in its framework of criminal justice, and demonstrate that there was no “paradoxical disjunction” between the official representation and the practice of the Qing justice system. In Section 4, I discuss the limitations of Qing civil justice from a different viewpoint than that of Professor Huang’s. In Section 5, I discuss the relationship between the Qing and modern Chinese legal systems, and question Professor Huang’s modernist interpretation of history.
起訖頁 431-461
關鍵詞 清代中國的民事審判黃宗智以法Civil Justice in Qing ChinaPhilip C. C. Huang“By Law ”
刊名 私法  
期數 200412 (8期)
出版單位 華中科技大學
該期刊-上一篇 現代契約法的反思性與福利性
該期刊-下一篇 不受惊扰的幸福--《私法》第8卷編後記




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