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作者 易繼明
紛繁複雜的學科分類體系已經支解了私法的整合性研究,從而妨礙了對私法理論的抽象和私法文化的建立。本文從四個方面論述了關於將私法作為一個整體的學問的命題: (一)提出應“將學問看成學問”,認為這一觀念的確立在當今中國法學研究中尤為重要;(二)確立私法的界線是將私法作為一個整體進行研究的前提條件; (三)認為私法統一在以自然理性為基礎的理論核心中,也應以此將私法作為一個統一的整體,進行整合性研究; (四)文章認為,通過私法的整合性研究,抽象出作為私權本位價值的社會基礎含義,從而有助於形成一種權利文化。最後,作者寄語中國私法文化(權利文化)健康成長與發展。
The complicated division of study branches has destroyed synthetic study about private law and also obstructs establishment of private law culture a nd extension of private law theory. This article expounds the theme that we should give private law a synthetic study from four aspects: 1.“Study should be taken as study seriously”, and establishment of the opinion is especially necessary to Chinese legal research. 2. Setting boundary for private law is precondition to the synthetic study. 3. All the branches of private law can be embraced in the theory of natural reason, which constitutes the base for the synthetic study. 4. It holds that we can draw out the social meaning of private right Standard value System from the synthetic study and this will help to form a culture based on right.
起訖頁 1-38
關鍵詞 自然理性私法整合性研究學問Natural ReasonPrivate LawSynthetic StudyStudy
刊名 私法  
期數 200203 (2期)
出版單位 華中科技大學
該期刊-下一篇 論我國用益物權的基本形態




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